Chapter 77

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Please read end an it has to do with the end of this story and extra's (btw there haven't been pictures for these chapters because sucky wifi)

Troye's POV:

       "Are you sure you want me here for this? I feel like it'll just make you more nervous. I can wait in the bedroom!" Tyler exclaimed, seemingly more nervous than I was. I just smirked and rolled my eyes.

       "Tilly, it's okay. Just stay behind the camera for the majority of the video." I giggled and he nodded.

       "Ready then?" He asked and I grinned before he clicked the record button.

       "What's up you guys, my name's Troye Sivan and as you can tell this is my first video." I proceeded to talk for a minute or two before announcing the name of the song, securing my beanie, and then taking a deep breath. "Settle down with me..." The words left my lips, flowing with different pitches and emotions as though I was serenading the song to Tyler himself. I might as well have been, seeing as though he never left my mind and whenever I opened my eyes they instantly landed on him. He was smiling back at me and blushing, as though he could read my thoughts. 

       Unfortunately, I'm not a perfect human. I had to re-sing the whole song at least six times until I found it suitable enough to edit and post. At first Tyler felt bad, and then he would cackle whenever I messed up, but by the sixth time he was half asleep. I didn't blame him to be honest. Finally, the last few words drifted past my lips with ease and a relieved smile stretched across my features before I straightened my back and looked straight into the camera.

       "Well there you have it, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. Oh shit! I forgot to mention that was dedicated to my lovely boyfriend, Tyler Oakley." I grinned as I glanced over to him but then couldn't hold back my eye roll when I realized he was asleep. "Tyler. Tyler!" I shouted and he instantly shot up, his glasses crooked and eyes blinking slowly.

       "Yeah? Huh? What?" The words tumbled out of his mouth and I couldn't stifle my giggle.

       "Come in the frame! I dedicated this damn song to you!" The corners of his mouth lifted and he didn't hesitate before plopping down in my lap. I let out an 'oof' and he giggled as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

       "Hey sweetcheeks!" He exclaimed and I stuck my tongue out.

       "Tilly, say hi to anyone who watches this video." I instructed and he turned to face the camera.

       "Oh heeeeyyy! I see you've come across my gorgeous, beautiful, sexy boyfriend's channel"--

       "Oh lord"--

       "He's a sweet singer isn't he?" He moved forward and kissed my nose. "He's my favorite singer."

       "And you're the sappiest person I have ever met. Would you like to say the first goodbye with me?" I wondered and he bit his lip, nodding his head 'yes'. I whispered the outro in his ear and we both turned to face the camera. We winked and hurriedly shouted "BYYYEEE!" Before I chuckled and pushed Tyler off my lap and onto the floor.

       "Rude!" He scolded but I ignored him, shutting the camera off. "Oh god, I'm not talking to you until you make it up for me." I once again ignored him. Tyler could ignore me all he wanted, but I knew he couldn't handle it when I ignored him instead. I took my camera from the tripod and walked into the bedroom, sitting on the bed and pulling my laptop onto my lap while pushing in the SD card. It took two minutes for the video to be imported in the computer, and during that time Tyler came to sit next to me, crossing his arms and gazing straight ahead of him. I didn't say a word, instead just put in one ear bud and began to edit the video. Besides deleting the fifteen minutes of pointless shit, it wasn't that hard to edit this video. I'm just fortunate that Steele taught me a thing or two about editing softwares. 

       I heard Tyler shift next to me and then sigh obnoxiously loud, obviously trying to get my attention. I just subtly flipped him off and continued editing. I heard him gasp and I had to stifle a laugh. I continued editing and he continued moving next to me. Finally he sighed even louder and began tapping my shoulder endlessly.

       "Troye. Troye. Troye. Troye-boy. I just wanted to tell you. I was gonna tell you I'm going to go get off in the shower. Okay. Bye. Troye. By." He said quickly and I rolled my eyes. He hesitated before standing from the bed and making his way to the bathroom.

       "Don't forget your dildo." I mumbled without looked at him, but I could almost feel his glare.


       "Troooooye. Are you done editing?" Tyler complained. I was just about done, after 20 minutes, and the entire time the only thing I said to him was 'don't forget your dildo'. He didn't forget it. I heard him. That bitch. "Troye please say something to me. I miss your voice." He admitted, resting his head on my shoulder. I felt him press a few light kisses to my neck and I sighed, deciding I put him through enough torture.

      "I'll be done in a minute." I replied and I watched as he lifted his head and his face brightened. He pressed three kisses to me cheek and wrapped his arm around my arm, holding himself closer to me. I finally started to finalize the project and then set the computer on the bedside table next to me. I kissed Tyler's forehead and he snuggled himself closer to me. I leaned down and pressed my lips firmly to his. "I love you." I muttered in between kisses and he hummed in reply. "Thank you so much for the equipment." I added and he kissed me again.

       "Of course babe. Anything for you." We kissed once more and then he sat up, hovering over me a bit. His eyes flicked around my face before landing on my own eyes. "I am so proud of you Troye Sivan Mellet." He whispered and my chest filled with warmth. I smiled a little and shook my head, a blush painting my cheeks. He leaned down and locked his lips with mine, leaning his head to deepen the kiss. I let out a sigh and tangled my fingers in his hair as he let the length of his body meet mine to bring us closer.

~~~ 2 week time skip~~

       "Troye holy shit wake up." I heard Tyler say with shock flowing in his tone.

       "What...?" I mumbled.

        "You have to check this out!" He insisted and I groaned, chucking his pillow at him. He squeaked. "Troye! I'm not kidding get your ass in the living room!" He scolded before I heard the door shut. I groaned again before sitting up. Tyler never wakes me up early unless it's for something important so I had to had to admit my curiosity was piqued. I stood up, stretched my back, and then made my way out to the living room.

       "What's up love?" I wondered and he pat the spot next to him on the couch.

       "Hurry!" He urged, pulling me down onto the couch. I let out a sound of protest but he quickly cut me off. "Look at this!" He pointed to his computer screen and my eyes wandered over it lazily, but once I really processed the words my jaw dropped.

       "Holy fuck." I breathed out, leaning closer to the screen.


A-N: The story is progressing and slowly ending. OKAY GUYS: so I needed to say this. I WILL be posting a phan short story based on fan in this fic and it will have important future troyler moments in the future. You don't NEED to read it obviously but just in case. ALSO, I will be writing a smut one shot based on the short period of time after Tyler and Troye went to the sex story, it'll be in the one shot collection on my profile as Chapter 71.5 I believe


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