Chapter 37

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^^^^literally the only actually Troyler interaction in months

A-N: I've decided that at the end of this story I'm going to post all of my notes for it:) like every idea I've made and all that. That won't be for a WHILE though


Tyler's POV:

When Troye had called me he sounded distant, like he wasn't fully there, like he wasn't talking to me. It actually hurt to hear, because I knew he wasn't okay, and there wasn't really anything I could do.

So naturally I thought of what was best for him, what he really needed, and I called Connor. It took me a few minutes though because I had to text Marcus and ask if they had ever exchanged numbers, which they did and I quickly typed Connor's into my phone. That was a few days ago, and I was too worried to text Troye. I was just afraid how much I'd freak out if I did. So instead I texted Connor and asked how he was going, and Connor just simply said 'he's okay'. That wasn't good enough for me. He's okay? Sure didn't sound okay when he was talking to me.

Currently, I am sitting in my bedroom on the pink couch, eating piece after piece of salt water taffy, while my endless thoughts and worries of Troye replayed over and over in my head. A soft knock came from the other side of my door and then a tentative voice.

"Ty? Can I come in sweetie?" My mom called out and I sighed. She had been worried for me ever since Troye left.

"Sure." I replied and she walked in with a shy smile, sitting on the bed a few feet to my right.

"What are you up to?" She asked and I looked at her with the most dull expression. Really? "Moping over Troye?" She wondered with a knowing glint in her eyes and I slumped down in my seat, crossing my arms.

"I'm not moping over him." I mumbled. "I'm worrying over him. There's a fine line"—

"Yeah, yeah." She disregarded me with a wave of her hand and then we were quiet again. She reached forward a little and grabbed a taffy, playing with the end of its wrapper. "Why don't you just Skype him? It seems like they've been infrequent lately." She noticed and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I noticed." I replied and she glared at me. I sighed. "I'm sorry, mom. I'm just stressed." I admitted and she shook her head a little.

"It's alright. I know you get most of your genes from me." She stood up then, slapping my knee with her hand. "Call him." And then walked out of the room, with the box of taffy's I might add. I groaned and sat up, walking over to my bed where I had left my laptop. I opened up the Skype and was the tiniest bit disappointed when I saw he wasn't online. So, I pulled out my phone and opened our texts.

Me: Skype?

TroyeSlayvan: Sure xx

I blushed at the kisses he added on the end, something he didn't do often. That made me nervous though...was something up?

TroyeSlayvan: ...please don't freak out........xx

That little shit was just sending me kisses to be on my good side. I didn't reply though, just through my phone to the other side of the bed, and clicked on the call button. It took longer than usual for him to pick up, which was strange since he knew I was calling him. Finally it opened up, but he wasn't in view of the camera.

"Troye?" I called out and I heard something shuffling around on the other end.

"Just...give me a sec." He muttered and I waited anxiously. I bit my lip and tapped my fingers on the bed sheet until finally the beautiful boy moved in front of the camera. My jaw dropped at my first look of him, and his eyes glanced away from my nervously.

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