Chapter 46

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A-N: This fan art is made by @TroylerKingdom and i love it seriously it made me so happy asdfghjkl. Thank you so much!!!!!!

Troye's POV:

Right as the plane landed with a thunk, I slipped my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 12am. Midnight. I put my phone away and took the hand that wasn't in Tyler's hair, reaching it up to rub at my eyes tiredly. I looked up to notice Zoella, Dan, and Phil already standing and conversing, ready to exit the plane. While that was going on, Jackie and my mom were trying hard to get their carry-on's down from the storage compartment above them without having anything topple onto someone else's head.

That left me with one task to to. I took my hand out of Tyler's hair and put it on his shoulder, giving him a light squeeze.

"Babe, wake up." I whispered against his hair and I watched as his head shifted slightly, until he moved into a seating position completely on his seat.

"What? What's going on?" He asked through a yawn. I tried not to smile at how cute he was being.

"We just landed. We have to leave now." I explained and he nodded slowly, before his eyes widened imperceptibly.

"Oh, well then let's hurry!" He urged, but his voice was still a little slurred, causing me to giggle. He shot me a glare and I just shrugged, pulling out my carry-on with both my hands and standing. He stood next to me with his own carry-on hugged to his chest. I felt almost cheated that I couldn't hold his hand now. Before I could let myself frown though, I decided to just place my palm on the small of his back. His tired state made him tense a little before realizing it was just me.

It took a few minutes, but after stumbling through the crowd of people, we all made it off the plane and into the Brighton airport.

"How far is our hotel?" I mumbled and my mom sighed, looking almost more tired than Tyler.

"Not too long. Just fifteen minutes but we will have to wait a few minutes for a cab." All the teenagers groaned in unison at her reply.

"Believe me, we're half dead too." Jackie added on.

"Wait..." Zoella muttered, straightening up slightly, but it wasn't much since her position before was completely slumped as though she was about to fall asleep standing up. "We have to find Alfie."

"I gave him directions to the hotel. He'll meet us there." Tyler corrected and she sighed, not looking very pleased that she would have to wait even longer to see him. We couldn't care less though, appeased that we could fall onto our beds even sooner. After we cleared things up, we made our way to the luggage belt and picked up our bags. Having the luck he did, Dan's bag didn't come for an extra ten minutes. He even had to go to the help desk and ask about it, until Phil came up to him and handed him his late bag.

Since we had to stand around the airport even longer, by the time we dragged ourselves outside, we were all leaning on each other for support. I had an arm wrapped around Tyler's waist and Zoe's arm was wrapped around my own waist. Jackie called the cab company, and five minutes into waiting, I realized just how tired Tyler was.

His head was on my shoulder and he was leaning over so much onto me that I was afraid he was going to fall. I shifted the handles of my carry-on and suitcase into one hand, and pried both of his bags out of his hands, holding them both with my other free hand.

"Troye...I can hold them..." He mumbled, but it was almost incoherent. I should my head with a soft smile.

"Hold onto me, Tilly." I whispered and he immediately obliged, wrapped both arms around me and leaning on me even more. I didn't mind though, he only got a few hours of sleep on the plane where I got nearly fifteen. Zoe stood up straight after a few minutes, walking away from me and Tyler while she lifted her phone to her ear.

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