44 on the balcony

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"Hey good morning Jordan." Say them with a sleepy head. She's so cute when she just wakes up.

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?"

"No, I'm actually still quite tired, what time is it?"

"Half past six" I chuckle.

"Half past six?! Act normal, lie back down."

"I'm sorry, but I can't sleep. I know you like to lie with me honey but I'm going for a swim."

"Don't call me honey and I'll take you swimming. Whether you want it or not. I'm awake now."

"Why shouldn't I call you darling? I thought it was okay now."

"No it's not, you know it well enough, just give me 10 minutes to get changed and we can leave."

"Who says I want to swim with you?"

"I, since you woke me up, you'll just have to deal with the consequences."

"We'll go in the pool."

"Oh no, let's go into the sea."

"What you want."


Fortunately, Jordan has calmed down. I'm going swimming with him since he woke me up at 6:30 am. I wasn't lying when I said it took me 10 minutes to get changed. 6 minutes but even so, I can be quite proud of myself, I'm normally very slow. I feel like going for a swim and not thinking about yesterday, but Jordan's words still hurt me.

"I can't focus on one person."

I don't know if he'll ever change his mind. He is extremely stubborn. I can't get him out of my mind. Maybe I'm satisfied with just 'having fun'. At least I can try. I'm on holiday, nothing is necessary, everything is possible.

Oh yeah and fuck! I'm expected today on the boat that Vanessa and Kailey have arranged for me. I'm going to ask Jordan. He sees that anyway.

He is already waiting on the balcony. It is almost impossible to get him away from the balcony.

I walk towards him.

"Why are you always on this balcony?"

"Then I can fantasize about doing you here on this balcony."

"Indeed, fantasize, dream on."

Yes, I already do that, that's why I'm on the balcony so often. Any questions?"

"If you don't feel like dreaming anymore, why don't you just do it? Fuck me on this balcony."

"If you give me the chance, I will immediately agree."

"I'm just joking, let's go swimming, you horny dog."

"You horny bitch."

"Hey I heard that." I say loudly as I walk away.

"That was the intention." Jordan calls after me.

When he passes me he squeezes my ass.

"You really have a good ass, you know that?"

"If you don't want any more children later, I would continue like this."

"How calm down, if you can make a joke, so can I. I don't know if I want children. And my business has been in hibernation for a while."

"What? We did it together this week?"

"Yes, that was a few days ago."

"How often do you normally do it?"

"Just about every day."

"You're really not normal."

"You're a cockblocker. Just a fun spoiler. You've been misleading me all holiday long, I keep thinking I'm going to get it and then you say you're joking.

"I also have to get my pleasure out of something."

"That can also be done in a different way than taking away my pleasure."

"That's true, but this is what's so much fun. A sexually frustrated Jordan is the funniest Jordan I know."

In between our discussion, we walk to the beach. I see the perfect opportunity to get him back. I don't think twice and squeeze Kneiter's ass hard.

"Ouch!" he shouts like a little child.

"I'll still get you!" and he runs after me.


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