38 Jordan's past

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"Hey, sorry about earlier. I have no idea why Jordan had to react so strongly Mel." Says Quinten before I can say anything.

"I do know though, I told him my cab driver Lorenz arranged something for my birthday. I met that boy 1 time and Jordan acted jealous about that, I think."

"I know how Jordan can be but please give him another chance, I have never seen him as cheerful as he has been lately with you. You are a good influence on him but he is afraid of change. He does not dare to attach himself because he is afraid of losing the one. He used to lose his childhood friend. They were both very young. They got into a relationship when they were barely 10. On the 16th birthday of Julia, his girlfriend, she died. He was a year younger than her. He was devastated. Since they were always together. The worst part of this story is that the night before she died she told him she no longer had feelings for him and had been seeing someone else for a few months. He vowed afterward that from then on he would only take unserious relationships with girls and not fall in love again. He would never let himself get hurt again. Even though they were very young, she meant everything to him."

Not getting a word through my throat, I remain silent after Quinten tells me all this.

"Jordan didn't tell hou anything about this? I should have kept my mouth shut. Fuck."

"No thanks Quinten, for sharing this with me. I can better imagine how he feels now. I also understand that you are also having a very hard time with Kailey right now since you were also in a relationship for so long and were inseparable."

"What do you mean? Kailey and I are still together? Did something happen then?"

Shit! I thought Kailey had already told Quinten, and this is not my job to tell him. I have nothing to do with this, or well actually I do but I don't want to get involved. I feel bad enough that I had to catch Kailey with Jana. I play dumb and pretend I was mistaken.

"Oh no I didn't mean that, I was mistaken for a moment. By the way, Kailey and I are meeting this evening, that's why I'm here in the lobby. What about you? Why is he sitting here?"

"I'm waiting here for Mase. But of course that gozen is late again."

I have to laugh. I look at the time again and see that it is finally 10 o'clock. I see Kailey already approaching in the distance. I walk up to her and try to talk to her in private. We stand in the corner of the room.

"Kailey, you have to tell Quinten! Now! I almost spoke up just now because I thought he knew about it. You tell him now! You're not fooling him anymore."

"Yeah okay okay calm down, this could take a while. I'm doing it now, right now."

I give her a supportive hug and she walks over to her. I decide to go to the bar in the meantime. i can't watch this. Once I arrive at the bar I see Sophie sitting with Megan.

"Look over there! Here comes that whore again!" I hear Sophie say. I decide to fool them.

"Hey ladies, what a lovely quiet evening, isn't it?" I sit down next to them and order a rose.

"It is indeed a quiet evening but shouldn't you be with my ex?" asks Megan catty.


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