9 self-confidence boost

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It is too bare! But very pretty.

Wow, I have never felt so confident in my opinion.

Kailey comes slipping into my fitting room and looks at me.

"Wow how beautiful it looks on you! You really have to alen that one? You're driving the whole of Italy crazy! Kailey showed off her lingerie and it looked really nice on her too. We quickly checkout.

As soon as we walked out of the shop, I felt very confident. I'm happy with the new lingerie! It looked so pretty! But all that shopping made me hungry. We see a starbucks on the other side of the street. Tables and chairs are set up outside. There are two boys sitting at a table. The boys look familiar to me. They are both drinking a caramel frappuccino. As Kailey and I walk past them I find out who they are. It's Quinten and Jordan! Kailey runs over to Quinten and hugs him. They didn't know about each other's going to town things this afternoon.

Kailey puts 2 more chairs by the table. Oh fuck now we have to sit with them too... There goes our shopping afternoon. I try to make the best of it. I ask if I can get some more drinks for everyone. Kailey wants a latte machiato and Quinten wants another caramel frappuccino. Jordan says nothing, typically.

"Jordan, would you like another drink or food?" I ask as I look at him.

"Uh yes please, shall I come with you for a moment to help you carry everything?" he asks as he runs his hand through his hair.

I nod and we walk in together. As I expected, there was a long queue there. That was the whole plan, a long queue by myself without the other three. But now Jordan is standing there. So much for my plan...

A silence breaks. He sometimes looks at me but nit for long. I decide to break the silence.

"And... Are you okay with us sleeping in a room together in Italy?" I ask him curiously.

He looks at me questioningly and starts laughing. When he sees that I don't mean it as a joke he is silent. And looks at me questioningly again.

"Are you serious? What do you mean? I'm going to sleep in a room with Quinten."

I can already hear what's wrong. Quinten hasn't told Jordan at all yet that he and Kailey are going to sleep in a room together. Should I tell him? He doesn't seem to know about anything. When I want to say something our names are called out. All our drinks are ready at the same time.

He still looks at me questioningly as we walk out. When we sit down, Quinten and Kailey see that something is wrong. Jordan looks at Quinten irritated and then a discussion soon follows.

"Dude why did you arrange all sorts of things with the room in Italy that I knew nothing about. First we were going to room together and now you're going with your girlfriend. Can't you go two weeks without fucking or something?" flies out Jordan.

"Bro, calm down. I'd just rather sleep in a room with my girlfriend. Is that so weird for you? Who cares. It's good for our relationship but of course you don't understand that because you've never had a serious relationship! You use all the girls for 1 night and then you get rid of them again." Bites back Quinten.

"Boys, boys, that's el enough with your childish behaviour! Behave yourselves for once!" Shouts back Kailey.

"You should already shut the fuck up Kailey, you got Quinten to sleep in the room together behind my back anyway!"

I am startled by what Jordan says. I understandhim in a way, but to lash out at the others like that is excessive

625 words

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