8 last preparations

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It's Saturday morning and I wake up on the sofa. I hear my mother vacuuming. What a hideous sound. And that at 8am is the morning. I get up and change my clothes.

As I walk back to the living room, I see a new notification on my phone. Kailey sent.

L: Hey Mel fancy going to town this afternoon?

N: yes cozy! The 2 of us alone?

L: yes us 2, then we can go shopping! Get nice clothes for in Italy!

N: yeah great! What time?

L: shall we meet in the central square at half past one?

N: yes that's totally fine. See you then!

L: see you later

The conversation went pretty smoothly. Things are already going much better between us I feel. Have a nice time away without the rest. I'm looking forward to it.

I put my phone on the table and walk towards my mother. She has fortunately stopped vacuuming and is already eating breakfast. I ask if it is okay for me to go to town this afternoon. She's fine with it. She opens her wallet and slides a 50-euro note to me. "Here honey, have a good time in town. You deserve it." She presses a kiss to my forehead and takes a sip of her coffee. "Thanks mum, you really didn't have to!" I say happily as I hug her.

I join my mother for breakfast and drink a latte.

I keep thinking about Megan. Why should she talk so negatively about me? If she has something to say about me, she can just come to me.

When I see it's 1 o'clock, I quickly put on my trainers. It's way too hot for a jacket. It is a whopping 31 degrees today. But luckily I put on a dress.

My sunglasses, money, phone, lipbalm, bottle of water are already in my bag. I give my mother another kiss and am ready to leave.

It is 20 minutes of cycling. Quietly I cycle out of my village. In the distance, I see Jordan walking Bruno. Happy. He doesn't see mei. I always try to avoid him lately and I don't know why. I somehow get very annoyed when I'm with him. I often just can't stand him. And worst of all, I have to share a room with him for 2 weeks! I try to focus on the road and soon see the middle square. There I see Kailey already waiting. I park my bike and saunter towards her. She hugs me and asks where I want to go first.

"To the Zara? And then go down the shopping street." I suggest. We visit shop after shop but we don't like anything. Then we stand in front of a lingerie shop.

"Hey! Let's go in here, shall we?" asks Kailey enthusiastically.

I nod and we walk inside. The shop smells deliciously of vanilla. Kailey immediately sniffs around. I didn't know we would be looking for lingerie. I'm not sure where to look. I never actually wear that sexy lingerie. When I want to say something to Kailey, she is nowhere to be seen. I suddenly feel very cramped. Where is she again?

Suddenly I hear from a distance. "Hey Mel you should come and see this!"

That can only be one person. I head straight for it and see Kailey standing enthusiastically.

She is holding 2 lingerie sets.

"Look how nice these sets are, 1 for me and 1 for you! Let's go try them out!"

I look at the set she is holding up right in front of me. It is a black lingerie set with lace. The bottom is a thong and the top is a lace bra. It startles me. I normally never wear that kind of underwear. It is very pretty but I don't know if I will be comfortable in it.

"So what do you think?" asks Kailey.

"The set is really nice, I'm curious to see how it will look!" I say as enthusiastically as I can.

In truth, I don't think it's anything for me. We walk to the fitting rooms. Kailey hands over the black set and disappears behind the cloth of the fitting room. I stand in the fitting room and put on the lingerie.

690 words

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