17 tension in the group

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Kailey and Quinten get out of the car. When Quinten sees Jordan, to my surprise, he doesn't walk toward him. He stays standing with Kailey. I notice she whispers something in his ear. They are acting aloof from everyone, in fact even the drive here. I decide not to interfere now and walk over to Vanessa. She stands there a little tense as well.

"Vanessa, everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah fine, just a little nervous. That's all."

I can tell something is wrong. Vanessa doesn't handle tension well. The atmosphere here is anything but nice. I notice that Megan is also already gone. She is standing with Sophie, the bitch of all 5th years. She is full of herself and can only laugh at others. But what is Megan doing with her?

"Vanessa do you know why Megan is standing with Sophie?" I ask her.

"Okay I have to get this off my chest Mel, when I picked Megan up this morning an argument started between us. She assumes you like Jordan, she can't stand that because she still has feelings for him herself. She said she would do anything to get his attention this trip. I told her not to act so childish and that after all it is her ex and not her boyfriend. That went down the wrong way with her. And since then she has been distant and short with me.

It is only morning but there is already so much drama. I can't really call Megan a friend anymore. So I am going to try to avoid her. I don't want any more backstabbing. If she wants Jordan, she'll take her chances. This should be a nice trip, and it will be.

"Vanessa, don't bother. I'm grateful to you for sticking up for me. It's all no big deal. And Megan, she can stir the pot!" I give her a hug and we walk to the check-in desk.

After checking in and all the checks, we have to report to our mentor Mrs. Clerks our roommate. She is leading this trip along with Mr. Clerks. They happen to be brother and sister. We all stand at the gate. Jordan comes to stand next to me. He is wearing jogging clothes with a white shirt. The shirt I was wearing the other day. I smell his cologne. I hesitate if I should address him about what I heard him say earlier.

He looks at me and then quickly looks away again. He does this several times. I can't keep it to myself anymore and I try to address him in as neutral a manner as possible, after all, we are here for a while since we are 1 of the last adjusted groups.

"Jordan, if you're not comfortable sleeping in a room with me you can also just say it to me and I don't have to hear it while you say it behind my back to Mase. I did hear you."

His words still wander through my head, 'yes but with her it's different.' Does he find me that annoying? What a retard. I look at him and wait for an answer. After a deep exasperated sigh, he replies. He even laughs.

"Honey did you overhear me? Don't worry so much, what you probably heard, you misunderstood. At least it's not meant negatively. I'm still going to sleep in the room with you, because apparently you think that's so important."

He infuriates me. I've only seen him for 2 hours today and I'm already done with him.

"Call me baby one more time and I'll..." He interrupts me.

"And what?"


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