39 inconsolable

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"All that romping in bed with him has made me very thirsty, that's why I'm here now. I need a break."

They did not expect this answer from me. Certainly not. They roll their eyes and say nothing more. Until Sophie opens her mouth again.

"I'd be careful with him if I were you. He doesn't want anything serious with you. He is only using you for his own pleasure."

"Who's to say I don't just use it for my own pleasure."

Sophie and Lic look at each other judgingly.

"You've been in Italy for a few days and you've become an even bigger slut than you already were. Wow Melanie, I didn't expect anything better from you."

"Nahw thanks Megan! I learned all this from you, from the dumbest bitch around. Thank you!"

Now I have really silenced them. I take one more big sip and leave. What bitches. I stroll back to the lobby to see how the conversation is going. I still see Quinten sitting on the same couch and see Kailey crying. Quinten looks very disappointed. I try to make eye contact with Kailey but she doesn't see me. I walk towards them.

"Is everything going well here? I think it's better if you stop."

"Did you know about this Melanie? Just tell it honestly. I know everything. Or yes, if Kailey told me everything, apparently she finds it necessary to lie to me."

I make eye contact with Kailey to ask permission and she nods.

"I caught Kailey myself, but I wanted to give her a chance to explain herself."

"I can't believe you knew about this and didn't tell me. We just talked for an hour about Jordan and his stupid actions and you, you're just fooling me. You knew about it when I asked you about it. You made a mistake, and then you lied that you were wrong. You're both liars man. This is fucked up."

He walks away angry. Kailey is still crying. It doesn't matter to me at this point that Quinten is angry with me. I'm especially glad that the truth has finally been told, no matter how much this hurts both of them. Done with the lies. I invite Kailey to my room to let her cry some more. I wish we could switch rooms at this point. That Jordan and Quinten could be together again and Kailey and I, but Mrs. Clerks doesn't allow this. This was absolutely not allowed.

I knock on the door just in case Jordan is changing but I hope there's no sound. I open the door and Jordan is nowhere to be seen. I assume he is comforting Quinten. Kailey lies disconsolate on the bed. I can't get her to stop crying. Eventually she falls asleep. I let her sleep on mine and Jordan's bed. It's late and I'm very tired. I lie down next to her. I fall asleep in 5 minutes.

The next morning I wake up to singing.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Melanie! Happy birthday to you!" Kailey and Vanessa sing at the top of their lungs.

Jordan wakes up with a start. I see him lying next to the bed. Apparently I slept on the floor last night. He guessed it too. Kailey went back to her own room last night to avoid problems with the Clerks. This morning she came back to the room with Vanessa to sing to me, which is really sweet. Vanessa is holding a large balloon and an envelope. Kailey holds a card and present.


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