36 confess

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"Me cheating on Quinten? How did you come up with that." She tries to get out of it.

"Kailey, I saw you. You had sex with a girl, there's nothing wrong with that but why didn't you tell me about it and have kept secret from me? Sooner or later I was going to find out anyway. You're lucky I didn't tell Quinten anything, I had to lie to your friend."

"Okay I can't deny it anymore. I like girls, not boys. Things between me and Quinten weren't going well and I couldn't find a good reason. But when I met Jana here, that's when I started to feel things for her. My feelings for Quinten had been gone for a while and at first I thought those feelings would come back but they didn't. The way I feel with her, I never felt that way with him."

"Kailey anyway..." I give her a hug and she starts to cry. I can tell from her that this affects her very much and that this is a sensitive subject. I can't imagine how long she has been in a knot with herself for not having feelings for Quinten anymore.

"When do you plan to tell Quinten? You can't keep lying to him, he gives feelings too."

"Oh Melanie I would love to tell him but I just don't know how. He will be devastated by this since we have been together for so long."

"Still the best thing to do is to tell him tonight. Otherwise I'll do it."

"Thank Mel for believing for me to save me. I'm going to tell him tonight. That's the fairest thing."

"Kailey you know I'm always on your side, but you really should tell him tonight. That way you will hurt him the least and this will also be nicer for Jana. You should also introduce me to Jana sometime! I know almost nothing about her yet. All I know is that she's good in bed, I heard you moaning all the way down the hall."

Kailey has to laugh. And she hugs me again.

"I have to confess, I haven't been idle this vacation either. I'm building something with Jordan, but not sure if this can ever get serious. I just notice from myself that I'm falling in love with him but he can be so difficult sometimes. Just the other day."

"What, you and Jordan? I missed a lot. I'm sorry Mel, because I've been so tangled up with myself lately I hardly made time for you, but I'll make this up to you! Tonight we have a girls' night out. We're going out together with two."

We still tell each other all the news and go back to the room when it already appears to be evening. We have agreed to meet at 10 o'clock at the loby, it should be fine. I look forward to spending time with Kailey again. It has been so long. I walk into the room and see that Jordan is sitting on the balcony with Quinten. I walk over and say hello to them. Not a sound comes out of Jordan. He just ignores me, Quinten who looks at Jordan angrily.

"Jordan friend, are you such a little kid that you can't even say hello. Act normal man." Says Quinten.

"Mind your own business man, shouldn't you go see where your girlfriend is that you can't live without?" bites back Jordan.

"You just don't understand what it's like to love a person so much that you love being with her. That you look forward to seeing her, because to you there is no more beautiful girl."

There is silence for a moment. Jordan looks at me after Quinten's last sentence. He sighs.


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