16 car ride

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"Thank you Vanessa, for bringing us all. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I'm mega looking forward to it." I try to say as enthusiastically as I can. Megan looks at me questioningly. "Are you looking forward to it! Aren't you sorry you won't be rooming with Kailey? Aren't you sad that you can't sleep in a room with a girl? Now you're stuck with a boy for two weeks. Vanessa and I really wouldn't mind if you wanted to sleep in our room. At worst, I'll switch with you. I'm all for you, that's what girlfriends are for." She says sweetly.

I see right through her but keep my head down. What's gotten into Megan. She can't bear the thought of me sleeping in a room with her ex. A guy she was in a relationship with for 2 months. Megan broke up with him, she told everyone. Apparently because you only cared about her body and only wanted to have sex with her. She said he didn't look at her otherwise. But now that I've come in contact with Jordan more lately, I really don't see Jordan like that. He wouldn't do anything like that. Megan just wants to get attention from him. I can tell by her look that she is waiting for an answer from me.

"Thank you so much Megan, I really appreciate your suggestion but I'm okay with it. I have discussed it with him and went to his house the other day. We are both okay with it. Thanks anyway." She looks as if she has seen a ghost. It is very quiet in the car suddenly. "Okay girls we really have to go now, we have to pick up Kailey too." Says Vanessa.

Vanessa drives off and I wave to my mom one more time.

Kailey is already waiting outside. She looks tired. Someone is walking behind her, it's Quinten. He must have stayed with her. I can already see why she's tired, she must not have slept much. Those two couldn't live without each other. She gets in after putting her bags in the trunk and says hello to everyone, "Good morning girls! I have a question, could Quinten please come along for the ride?" she asks. We all look at each other thoughtfully. We were supposed to ride with the girls to the airport, right? Vanessa turns around. "Yes no problem, we have 5 seats anyway."

I hear from her that she doesn't quite see the point but still wants to be the sweet friend to Kailey. I sit between the two lovebirds, and what do I see off. So when I see a roadside sign that says "airport," I am very relieved.

We arrive at the airport. We are there 3 hours ahead of time. I see everyone else arriving as well including Jordan. I see him getting out of Mase's car.

A good friend of his and Quinten's. Everyone looks happy except him. But I see he is trying to hide that. I'm sure he's in absolutely no mood to room with me. and that thought is confirmed.

"My whole trip is already ruined, I have to sleep in a room with a girl." Says he to Mase in frustration. "Get a grip friend. Do you hear what you're saying, you mind sleeping in the room with a girl! If I were you I would be the luckiest man on earth." Do I hear Mase say.

"Yeah but with her it's different, you don't get it man. Let's go inside." Says Jordan

What does he mean by that, "with her it's different. I just play dumb and pretend I didn't hear anything.


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