35 Lorenz

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I think it is better if I inform Jordan of this. We don't have anything serious at the moment but we both know there is something going on between us and this could possibly progress to more.

"You know it's my birthday tomorrow huh."

"Yeah, I know. Were you worried I'd forgotten?"

"No I didn't, but there's something I need to tell you."

"Come on."

"You know I had to take a cab to the resort. The driver called Lorenz and we had a nice conversation on the way. When I said my birthday would be on Friday, he immediately said he was going to make some arrangements and come to the resort. I wonder if you like this. Because if you'd rather not then you should say so now."

"What do I care. We don't have anything serious. Do what you want. I'm going to take a shower."

And he walks straight out of the bed toward the bathroom. He locks the bathroom door behind him and I can already hear the shower running. I look ahead in amazement. Did he really just make such a fuss? What a child. I asked if it was okay. Apparently not but when he says "we don't have anything serious" I indeed do what I want. Whatever was I thinking. It's not like he would change in 4 days.

I already misjudged him again.

I don't want to get involved and think about the fact that yesterday I caught Kailey with a girl. I distracted Quinten in front of her and am now eager to talk to her as well. I decide to send her a message and to my biggest surprise she responds right back. We agree to meet at the pool in the afternoon. We will sunbathe together and then she can confess everything to me.

I can no longer keep this to myself. I didn't even tell Megan about this for Kailey's sake. Kailey doesn't even know I caught her and she can't deny it anymore. I have to know everything. I don't even want to think about how Quinten would react if he found out about this. Kailey having sex with a girl. I didn't know at all that Kailey was even into girls. She never told me anything like that. Maybe out of shame, but still that's what you have a best friend for to say everything to.

The afternoon has arrived and I gather up all my sun gear. I pull out my flip-flops and head out. Jordan who left shortly after showering. He said gruffly that he would spend the day with Quinten. It's up to him what he does. I sprint down the many stairs when I see I should be at the pool in 2 minutes. I can already see her standing from a distance, talking to the girl I caught her with. When she sees me coming she quickly runs away from the girl and the girl runs to the beach. I don't know the girl. In any case, she is not in our school. She must be a tourist. But when did she have time to get to know her? Standing right in front of Kailey, I give her a hug. I have so much to tell her and have missed her very much these past few days. We sit down on a lounger and I look at her waiting for her to tell me everything.

"Mel why are you staring at me like that? Is there something."

"Kailey... I don't know exactly what you're doing, but you can tell me anything. I saw you cheating on Quinten."


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