24 the break

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Jordan and I walk to the restaurant together. I am so curious about how the relationship between him and Megan ended. And then decide to ask him about it because the breakup I clearly haven't yet processed by Megan and she never clearly told me why.

"Say Jordan, you and Megan were in a relationship for a few months after all. How did it end? It seems like she still hasn't processed it even though it's been six months."

He looks at me irritated. No point in answering my question. I look at him with puppy dog eyes. I really want to know. He sighs.

"I'm going to explain it to you, then I'll never tell you about that whore again."

I nod.

"Megan is very jealous and only wanted me for herself. It drove me crazy. We had sex and I accidentally called out another girl's name. The next day I caught her in bed with Mase. Mar Mase I've made up by now, we were not good friends then. Megan can drop dead for me."

You can tell by the way he tells it that he is very embarrassed. And rightfully so.

"So to make everything clear. She took revenge by sleeping with Mase because you called out the wrong name. That's a dirty trick of hers, but who is stupid enough to call out the wrong name. That is, you were thinking of another girl while having sex with Megan. Then what name did you call out?"

"That doesn't matter, what does matter is that I'm annoyed to death with her and next time you won't open the door when she's in front of it. She's a jealous slut who can't take it that I don't care that it's over between us."

He walks away from me as we arrive at the restaurant. I see Vanessa and Megan sitting together. Strange because Vanessa can't stand Megan anymore. Then I see that there are set tables. Everyone has to sit with his/her roommate. Fuck this too. There are even name tags on all the tables. I see Jordan looking around puzzled and realizing what the intention is, he sighs and walks to the buffet, I follow him. We both take a plate.

"That was a loud sigh, I think the whole resort heard it, poor sheep." I rub in.

He laughs. He quickly looks around to see if anyone sees him. When he sees that no one is looking from our direction he knocks my plate out of my hands. The plate lies in many shards across the ground. I look at him furiously.

"That was a loud bang, I think the whole resort heard it, clumsy ass." He cries out.

The whole room looks at us. I could sink through the floor in shame. I can't let this happen. To my right, I see a jug of water. I don't think twice and pour it over him. He screams like a little girl. I can't stop laughing. But the fun is short-lived. Mrs. Clerks who also happened to be in the restaurant comes walking up to us angrily.

"Are you a bunch of little kids! Just leave to your hotel room and come back to the restaurant tomorrow when you have adjusted your behavior. If you guys act like little kids, that's how I'll treat you."

We laugh even harder together now and can't take any more.

"Get out of here!" Mrs. Clerks still shouts.

I almost pee my pants from laughing. Jordan looks just like a drowned cat. We walk together still whooping to our room.


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