29 (not) telling the truth

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Shit! I can't let him go to the room. then he'll catch Kailey. I want to give her a chance to explain it to him first. I distract him.

"Hey, do you happen to know where Jordan went with Megan? I haven't seen him all morning." I know I sound nosy, but this way I keep him busy for a while.

"Is Jordan gone with that bitch? What the fuck he didn't tell me about that, I don't know anything." Says he with a frowning face.

"I just found out from Vanessa. Do you maybe feel like going swimming with me? I was just on my way to the pool." I ask him to avoid going to the room.

"Uh, yeah okay is good. Do you know where Kailey is? I haven't seen her much today. She said she was going to the spa with you, but since I'm standing here with you she lied about it." For Kailey to lie to Quinten is really low and involve me. She doesn't tell me anything for the rest. I'm lying for her own good, she doesn't even know I saw her.

"Probably she will have meant someone else she left with." Quinten doesn't answer a takes his phone. He quickly sends Kailey another message that we are going swimming and we leave. We stroll to the pool and pick out a lounger to put our stuff on.

We spent another whole afternoon swimming and lying in the sun. He seemed a little restless the whole time. He is worried about Kailey, so am I, but doesn't show it. I did eb aar a message that I want to speak to her tomorrow. I need to know what's going on because I can't keep lying for her. And Jordan, who leaves me cold right now. I don't care what he does anymore. Every moment with him is different. Sometimes he's sweet and caring, other times he acts like a little kid.

I walk quietly back to the room. Swimming with Quinten was nice. But I feel sorry for him. He doesn't know about anything and I feel bad that I couldn't tell him anything. Feeling guilty, I throw myself on my bed in the hotel room. I notice that there is some pink on the bed. I pick it up and see that it's a thong, and it's not one of mine. Gross! Jordan has probably been lying here flirting with Megan. I throw the thong out the window. I don't need to see that filthy thing anymore.

I forget about everything for a moment and jump in the shower. I get a headache thinking about everything that happened today. I turn the water up extra hot and let warm water flow over me. I close my eyes for a moment. I picture before me how Jordan lifted me up here yesterday and set me down on the sink, then we kissed fiercely, and then, then Megan knocked on the door. As annoying as Jordan is, I can't get him out of my head. I get calm when I think about him. I feel familiar with him. But he's not good for me. He drives me crazy and doesn't deserve my time.

I can't stand not knowing about anything, what he is doing now and where he is. I'm jealous. I admit it. But there's just no reason for it.

I slide my hands over my body and just get flashbacks. How he held me, and how he panted.

1 thing I do know. Tonight I'm staying sober, I'll have another drink on my birthday. 


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