One Piece x Reader [Request]

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[a/n: Hope you enjoy, [S/N] is ship name, [C/N], crew name. I'm also giving Law's parents' names, I hope this is what you were looking for]

[y/n] was a well-known captain of her own ship; called the [S/N]. She weren't your typical pirate who hunted down the one piece that everyone was after, she just wanted to sail the seas and be free from all the rules that chained her down before but not anymore; she set sail at a young age and came across many people on her journey which created the [C/N] pirates; she had a navigator, a swordsman, a musician, a shipwright, a sniper, and a cook, a magician. They shared the same idea as [y/n], wanting to be free on the seas and sail them forever; they were a strong crew like the Straw Hats that they have heard of but didn't wish for the one piece at all. 

Her navigator joined her ship to escape his family who had his future planned out even though he wished to sail and joining her was the best idea, her swordsman joined up with her because she was sick of being an outcast on her island because she liked practicing swordsmanship when being asked to join, she didn't hesitate to do so; she ran into her musician at a tavern on an island who was being held by a debt by the tavern owner, she also ate the sing sing fruit so she sung like a siren and that drew in customers and now just being used and [y/n] put a stop to that and offered a place on her ship; the shipwright was one of the best who was trained under Iceberg himself and he didn't wish to stay on his home island forever and seeing [y/n] and her crew made him ask her to join and she was more than happy to call him brother just like the others on her crew. Running into her sniper was a whole new story she was a navy sniper that was sent out to hunt down [y/n]'s crew; but [y/n] somehow talked her out of bringing in the crew and talked to her like they have been friends for years and asked her to join the crew. Her cook was an old childhood friend that moved away with his parents and opened his own shop on an island, his parents were always strict about who his friends were and when it came to [y/n] his parents were angry he even thought of joining her crew but that didn't stop him from joining and then there was her magician of the group, he was a mystery in itself and was hidden from the world since he was strange and made strange things; but when [y/n] brought him out to the light to look at the sea for the first time he wanted to join her.

The only thing missing from her crew was a doctor and she heard of a doctor that would be perfect for the crew. Coming to the island that was close to the island Flevance also known as the white city, she remembers the horror story that happened there many years ago; another thing she hated about rules they controlled people to murder a whole island that would have died without bothering others with the sickness.

But the island beside it a few miles away was known for a tribe that was free from rules and the Navy, the doctor and his family stayed there helping the tribe members; the chief owed the doctor his life and was glad he could save the doctor and his family's life.

"You doctor Trafalgar Victor?" [y/n] asked when she came up to a man looking over some papers while his wife and daughter were in the room.

"I am, do you need medicine?" he asked when taking off his glasses, his black hair had grey streaks in it while his beard was a dark grey.

"In a way, I hear you and your wife are the best doctors, if you're willing to join me and my crew; its mostly just sailing and being free I'm not looking for the one piece like everyone else" [y/n] crossed her arms together while glancing between Victor and his wife Hellena.

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