Luffy x Reader [Request] [4]

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It has now been an hour or more since [Y/N] was left on that island and the Sunny was just sailing farther away from the island not thinking twice about what just happened. As they sailed along doing their own thing for the next island, the sunny sky started to get cloudy and a soft rain began to fall; nothing to worry about.

"Guys I see something" Brook shouted out pointing to his right bringing attention to what was happening.

Nami held up some binoculars to see what was on their right side before coming to the sight of a group of marine ships sailing right for them.

"We have Marines coming our way fast!!" Nami shouted bringing everyone's attention ready for a fight since there wasn't much time to get away from the ships in time.

"Alright let's kick their asses!" Luffy shouted with his bright smile on his face ready for some fight.

Everyone agreed when they got ready for the fight with the Marines but there was one person missing in the group that would always be up for a good fight with basically anyone and [Y/N] was nowhere to be seen right now.

"Where's [Y/N]?" Franky asked glancing around the deck trying to spot her.

"She was here I think" Usopp said also glancing around not seeing her anywhere near them.

That's when one of the ships sailed right next to them which made the crew hold their ground ready for a fight before the sight before them caught their attention as they heard a dark chuckle coming from the marine ship.

"God I can't believe this trick worked on your fools" the voice of [Y/N]  came out to everyone's ear until the sight of her wearing a marine Admirals outfit came into view.

Their eyes widened in shock and horror as they saw her standing there with the marines.

"What the hell [Y/N]!!?" Zoro shouted out at her drawing his swords ready to fight.

"[Y/N] wouldn't be part of the marines or any of their plans! She hates them to the core after what they did to her family" Chopper argued back since they knew her past and know that she would never work for the marines not even if she was dying.

"Well, its a good thing that I'm not [Y/N] then!" her voice changed into a deep male voice until the real truth was revealed to them seeing the Admiral who could change into anyone in front of them.

The shock of what they were seeing made their hearts stop as flash's of what happened on the island came flashing back to them; they couldn't believe that they fell for this trick hook line and sinker and thought nothing of seeing two [Y/N] was weird.

"You're gonna PAY!!" Luffy shouted out loudly with his anger on the rise as he jumped in the air, as the crew started a fight with the marines in front of them.

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