Bartolomeo x Reader [request]

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Dressrosa was an interesting place to say the least, you didn't know what to think of it really but you knew that you, your crew and Law were here for a reason. You and Luffy your captain were in the arena that was the entertainment for the island mostly and you didn't mind fighting in a big arena it was good to work on your skills as a fighter. 

You just got done fighting another enemy, winning with no problems at all; you know that the prize meant everything to your captain and you were damn sure that you would win it for him since your crew was your family and you would do anything for your family.

"Hey you!" the voice of someone behind you made you stop walking and looked behind you. 

"What do you want?" you asked when you placed your hands on your hip raising a brow at him.

"Your part of the straw-hats aren't you' he said which made you a little cautious when he brought up your crew since no one was supposed to knowing about your crew or anything.

"Depends on who is asking" you crossed your arms ready to fight this guys if he was looking for a fight.

"The name is Bartolomeo and I am a BIG FAN OF YOURS!!" he started seriously until he changed his whole attitude and he like had stars in his eyes which was nothing you were expecting from this guy.

'Uh okay" was all you could say when he came right up to which made you jump a bit but also blush at the same time.

"Your [y/n] [l/n], the best sniper of your ship; the one who ate the thunder, thunder fruit!!" he kept going on and on about you which only made you blush more and more since you never were talked about like this in a good way.

'Okay, okay you know me just stop for now" you said blushing like mad wanting him to stop talking about you since it was embarrassing.

"Sure, miss [y/n]" he said being respectful towards you.

"And just call me [y/n]" you giggled a bit with a warm smile on your face.

It was a very strange friendship you found yourself in but it was a good change since you could find someone to trust and help you take down Doflomingo; that's exactly what Bartolomeo did and you two were the best team when things became tough. You couldn't help but feel a special between the both of you since he made you laugh and smile even in the worst of times in the big battle.

Soon the battle was won and things were getting to be normal on the island; you were sitting by the shore on the beach enjoying the relaxing moment with the calm waves and the beautiful moon above. 

"Mind if I join you?" the voice of Bartolomeo came to your ears which made you look up at him with a warm smile.

"Sure" you said smiling a bit more as he sat down next to you on the beach.

It was nice sitting here with him enjoying the nice moment; you leaned your head to the side placing it on Bartolomeo's shoulder which made him wrap his arm around you holding you close. Which made you blush a little bit, it was nice just being around each other enjoying each other's company like this; nothing really needed to be said since you both knew what you both were feeling towards each other. But Bartolomeo surprised you with a soft gentle kiss on your forehead which made you blush even more when you snuggled up closer to him which made him smile warmly himself as you both sat on the beach enjoying the relax moment and knowing that you both fell in love with each other over a big battle to save a whole country.

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