Kid x Reader [2] [Two Years]

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[A/N: Key word [D/N] Daughter's Name]

The sun slowly crept over the horizon to bring the early warm morning to the small town in the new world, the town slowly came to life as the sun grew higher and higher in the sky; people opening up shops and stands to begin their normal day like any other day.

The ship of the Kid pirates was still docked in a spot in the docks slowly waking them up themselves; the only one who woke up long before the crew was their captain, which sometimes was surprising since he wakes up last but he was up leaning against the railing of the ship waiting for [Y/N] who was going to come to the ship today.

"You don't have to worry, she'll show up" the voice of Killer came to his ears which made him glance over at him.

"I'm not worried" Kid said to Killer before glancing back at the town.

"If you say so" Killer shrugged his shoulders, smirking under his mask knowing better than anyone that Kid was worried about [Y/N].

Kid just stayed there when Killer walked away to do some of his duties around the ship leaving Kid to his thoughts about [Y/N] who had yet to show up but there was still time since it was early in the morning still.

At least four hours went by and Kid still stayed where he was by the railing on the ship; he sighed heavily for a moment when he looked out to the ocean now, standing there with his arms crossed as he waited for her. His mind wondering where could she be right now, lost in his thoughts everything around him drowned out but that changed when he heard a voice.

"Hey boys!" the voice of [Y/N] came to his ears which made Kid snap his head back towards the docks.

His amber eyes widened the moment they saw what [Y/N] was holding in her arms; a little two year old girl, with bright red hair held in pig tails with big bright [E/C] eyes like her mother's eyes who was smiling warmly when his eyes met hers.

"Hey, [Y/N]" Killer called out meeting her on the docks walkway looking down at the little girl who hid her face in [Y/N]'s shoulder making Killer chuckle.

"And who do we have here?" Killer asked when he looked at [Y/N] again.

"This is [D/N]" [Y/N] said as she smiled down at her daughter still hiding her face being shy.

Killer chuckled again which made [Y/N] giggle a bit before seeing Kid coming down to see her; Killer glanced over his shoulder seeing him coming closer, giving her a thumps up which made her giggle again before Killer went back to the ship leaving Kid and [Y/N] alone with their daughter.

Kid couldn't help but look at [D/N] still before he met [Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes, he honestly had so many questions but the one running through his mind was why? Why didn't she tell him or even tried to find him and tell him.

"Are you mad?" [Y/N] asked Kid wanting to know if he was angry with her.

"Why would I be mad with you?" he asked back a little surprised why she would think that in the first place.

[Y/N] could only shrug for an answer not knowing how to really answer it since she couldn't help but think that in the first place.

"I just want to know why? Why didn't you tell me before I left or tried to fine me?" Kid sighed out his other question as he looked at her in the eyes.

"To be honest,  I found out weeks ago when you left and I just thought it would be easier for you to focus  on finding the one piece then worry about me and [D/N]" [Y/N] answered as best as she could.

It was partly the reason why she didn't tell him; but deep down I think he knew why it was because he was known as a strong and cruel pirate captain, also not to mention that marines didn't take to kindly on children whose father were pirates sailing somewhere on the seas.

He sighed for a moment as he closed his eyes for a moment but opened them up when he felt a small tug on his fur coat; letting his amber eyes come to meet big [E/C] eyes belonging to his daughter who looked up at him with wonder.

"Papa?" [D/N] spoke out which made Kid's eyes widened hearing that word come from her.

[Y/N] couldn't help but smile brightly at [D/N] she might have told Kid about her but she told stories about Kid and his adventures but keeping it small for her for now until she got older.

"That's right kiddo, I'm your papa" Kid smiled warmly which was rare but only for his family that stood in front of him here and now.

He wrapped his flesh arm around [y/N]'s waist bringing her close to his side giving her a kiss on the top of her head which made her smile warmly up at him.

"I love you" [Y/N] said to him with her smile still on her face.

"I love you too" Kid said to her never looking away from her, knowing that she was the perfect woman for him and is his forever and ever now. 

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