Luffy x sister reader [request]

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"Big brother!" the sound of [y/n]'s voice called out to Luffy who was on the deck of the Sunny doing whatever Luffy did, he smiled when he saw his little sister who was around ten came running over towards him with a bright smile. 

She was adopted by Luffy and the other's on the last island they found themselves on since she was abandoned by her parents who were pirates themselves and wanted treasure more than a daughter. So she stuck to Luffy like butter and started calling him big brother and it just stuck like glue not to mention it was nice for Luffy to have another little sibling; heck she even met Ace and she loved him just as much as Luffy.

"What's up?" he asked when he picked her up in his arms placing her on his shoulders.

"When do we get to the next island?" she asked as she glanced around from his shoulder trying to see any new island that could be around them.

"Not yet just another few miles" he said as they were walking around the deck feeling the nice ocean breeze go by.

"Aw man" she said giving out a little pout which made Luffy laugh.

They both went to the kitchen where they could both smell some good meat cooking which always made they're day.

"I'm hungry!" she said out loud when it was getting to be lunch time right now.

Luffy placed her down at the table while the other crew members came to have lunch and Sanji always, served [y/n] first with her favor meat and sides which always brought a smile to her face when the others got their own plates.

"Bet I can eat more than you!" [y/n] pointed to Luffy with a smirk that was always leading to a challenge.

"Your on, sis" Luffy smiled brightly before they both started to dig into more food that Sanji was placing on the table in front of them.

It was always good to see the crew have fun with their little sister; but it was Luffy who treasured his little sister like she was the true one piece and she treasured Luffy and the crew like her own family even if she knew what her parents were she knew that this being with Luffy was how a brother would be like and how a family really should be and she wouldn't ask for anything different from anything in this world she just needed her big brother Luffy. 

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