Iceburg x Reader [p1] [requested]

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[a/n: I hope you enjoy, if I missed anything please forgive me it was three in the morning lol]

It was a dark night and not to mention raining as well at Water 7, it wasn't the big hurricane it was just one of those days where it would be normal weather living out on the sea. But on this night things were different; in the darkness slipping through the cracks and alleyways throughout the city island was a young girl. She held her wet cloak over her head while making her way through the city at night, trying to run away from nothing that no one but her knew about.

Coming further and further to the end on the east side of the island. She found herself around a shipyard; looking for a spot to settle down in she crawled under some old wood from ships that washed on shore from time to time. Being covered from the storm she still shivered from having a now wet cloak, clothes and hair to go with it. There was no way for her to make a fire in this weather and she couldn't risk doing so either. So she sat there waiting out the storm, trying to kept her eyes opened but struggled as she found herself slowly slipping into sleep.

Soon morning came along and the storm passed by without any worries; the girl slowly opened her eyes to the light of the sun beaming on her eyes. Being blinded for a moment, she tried blocking the sun with her hand but suddenly saw something she didn't expect to see in front of her. Someone was standing in front of her which made her gasp and back away as far as the hiding hole could muster.

"Easy there, not going to hurt you" the man's voice spoke when he saw how she reacted to him. 

Kneeling down she could see him clearly now, a boy right around her age like twelve maybe thirteen. With purple hair held back by a white bandana; he seem to have some tools hanging around his hips, ship crafting tools? 

"Hey Ice-fur-brain! whatcha' got there" another voice came out of nowhere which made her slightly jump.

"I would been finding out if you weren't scaring her, Cutty" Iceburg as his unknown friend called him said, while looking over his shoulder with a scowl on his face.

"Stop using my name, idiot" the boy who looked around ten with blue hair said back to his friend.

Iceburg turned his attention back to the girl still hiding under the rumble of the ships; he couldn't help but give her a warm smile trying to get her out of the hiding spot. Holding his hand toward her, she slowly crawled forward towards him, some sort of feeling washed over her saying she could trust him. Taking his hand in hers Iceburg helped her stand, seeing she was soaked to the bones and still shivering.

"I'm taking her back to the shop" he said to his young friend behind him who was just confused about seeing a girl coming out from under ship rumble.

Saying nothing more, Iceburg helped her walk back to the shop where his mentor lived and where he lived as well. Opening the door, the smell of something good came to her nose but she still hid behind Iceburg the moment the door closed.

"I thought you'd still be out" a woman's voice spoke when her attention was brought to Iceburg.

"I would be but Kokoro, I ran into her hiding" he answered before slightly looking back at the girl who only came up to his shoulders. 

She slightly looked out from Iceburg catching the woman and large man attention in the room. 

"Well, look at that Iceburg found himself a girlfriend already" the large man beamed with a joke making him laugh jolly but making Iceburg blush a bit.

"Nothing like that, Kokoro can you help her she's soaked to the bone and I doubt she ate anything too" Iceburg mumbled a bit before turning his attention to the woman.

"Okay, we might just have another little helper around the place" she smiled brightly which made the young girl feel safe and wanted here.

Iceburg and the large name known as Tom soon left the shop to get to work, leaving the young girl with Kokoro who helped her get cleaned up with a nice warm bath; giving her clean clothes and something to eat as well. She didn't speak that much, so they didn't learn her name but she was just shy and would tell them all later once she got used to them.

About a few weeks have passed and the same young girl was still around; but she was mostly a great cook with some teachings from Kokoro. Sure she could build a ship like nothing but she mostly cooked if her handy work wasn't needed; She became good friends with Iceburg and Franky she loved being around them and their little chaos sometimes. 

Right now she was bringing over a basket filled with lunch for the boys since they've been working hard. Oh and they also learned her name was [Y/N] too after some days had passed by; seeing their new ship halfway built in the distinct she smiled brightly and picked up her walking speed. Hearing the sounds of hammer clonking away on the wood.

"Brought lunch guys!" she yelled out to grabbed their attention as she neared the ship.

"Finally" Franky said already excited to finally take a break.

She smiled and she gave Franky and Tom their lunch before glancing up at Iceburg who was still working on his part of the ship. Sighing at this, she climbed up to where he stood on some scaffolding.

"Lunch girl's here" she joked when she held up the basket in her hands.

"Oh thanks" he finally noticed her beside him, he always got worked up in his work most of the time.

They both sat down together, letting [y/n] give Iceburg his sandwich before bringing hers out to eat. It was a nice day with the sun shining and breeze being gentle; the view was always lovely up here every time they found themselves sitting up her together.

"You know, I think you're the best cook on the island" Iceburg said as he looked at her to his left with a warm smirk.

"Nah, you're just saying that" she played it off with a smile since she still wasn't that good yet.

"I'm serious and I'm not taking it back" Iceburg said with a full smile on his face which made her smile and blush when she tried looking anywhere else but him; to not show her blushing face to him.

"Well um, thanks" she tried talking normal but still blushed deeply as she bit into her lunch. Iceburg chuckle a bit before continuing eating his lunch as they both sat together watching the ocean together.



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