Vampire Law x Reader [Vampire's Kiss]

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[A/N: Modern 1700 style]

Life can be so boring around here, especially when your a noble young lady like [Y/N] is; living the life of luxury with her parents. A father who was big in the trading business had him all over New Orleans running his business and expanding it, her mother was just like [Y/N] a stay at home woman who just sat around acting like a lady who read book, had tea time with friends did the shopping and looked pretty at parties.

[y/N] found this very boring every day was the same thing, her lady like lessons and school lessons; going to town to shop with her mother, dealing with young men who wanted to court her. Nothing ever changed around her life and she was bored to death with it and didn't wish to be stuck like her mother was in the marriage life that was boring.

Right now [Y/N] sat in her room reading a book about a journey that she wished she could take with the man of her dreams, she loved reading those adventure romance books so much because they were filled with wonder, adventure and love true pure love but she knew that pure love wasn't true, her thoughts were broken when a knock came to her door letting say a soft 'come in'.

"Dear, I have some good news" her mother walked through the door that she opened holding a letter which only [Y/N] could imagine what kind of news she read in that letter.

"What?" [Y/N] raised a brow at her mother's good mood.

"We've been invited to a ball tonight by the riches and not to mention single man in New Orleans" she spoke with glee with a bright smile to match her mood.

[Y/N] couldn't help but sigh in a bit of annoyance and roll her eyes hearing this again, she always tried to make her get matched up with a well known young man which she was tired of.

"Mother, I'm tired of this nothing will happen I'm not interested" [Y/N] said with a heavy sigh when she returned her gaze to her mother.

"Please just one last time" she asked wanting her to agree to this.

[Y/N] sighed before saying 'sure' wanting to not hear the begging of her mother even though she has always said last time when it really wasn't but at least she would get out of the house for a while and dance to some music at this ball.

As the night came, [Y/N]'s family sat in their carriage towards the house that was supposed to be owned by the riches man in New Orleans how he got that rich no one really knows; seeing the lights of the house come to view [Y/N] couldn't help but be in aw of how beautiful the mansion was, it was made from the best marble that money could by, seeing how the vines crawled up the walls giving it a mysterious look with the trees that surrounded it with the moss hanging on the branches.

Many people were here as their carriage pulled up to the front, letting their door open her father stepped out first helping his wife and [Y/N] out of the carriage; the women young and old were wearing their finest clothes for the night as they talked and gossiped with each other, letting the men be dressed to the finest as well as they enjoyed the good drinks and cigars that were given to them.

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