Luffy x reader [request]

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[y/n was filled with energy just like Luffy it was no wonder that they were like to puzzle pieces, whatever Luffy did [y/n] was right there with him no matter what he did or how crazy it was. Right now it was just one of those normal days, the crew dropped anchor on a summer island to get some supplies that they were running out of.

But Luffy and [y/n] were running around in town having a grained old time just spending time together; both of them filled with energy. They were going around and finding amazing food to try and finding small things they liked in other shops; The air around them was filled with laughter and they're faces bright with smiles as they spent their day together on dry land after being on the sea for a few months now.

After wondering through the town [y/n] dragged Luffy to the beach to have some fun in the sun; seeing her bright smile on her face always brighten Luffy's day; if there was anything that could cheer Luffy up from anything it would be [y/n] is childhood friend and girlfriend.

"Race you to the water Luffy!" she shouted as she took off her shoes and raced down to the water that flowing back and forth on the shore.

"You had a head start!" he shouted back at her as he chased her toward the water with a bright smile on his face.

She laughed and smiled as she raced Luffy towards the water; but let out a small yelp when he tackled her to the ground letting them splash into the shallow water of the ocean since it didn't bother Luffy that much with his powers. 

[y/n] kept laughing with Luffy as they both sat up covered in water, it felt nice feeling the cold water on their skin in this hot summer sun while they still smiled and laughed without a care in the world.

[y/n] wrapped her arms around Luffy pulling him close to her with her smile never fading; while his arms wrapped around her holding her close to him as well giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"I guess that was a tie" she said with her smile never fading away.

"It sure was" he smiled brightly as well as they sat in the water on the beach enjoying the day that they always will remember and love through out their adventures together.

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