Shanks X Reader [Long Time No See] [1]

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[A/N: C/N means crew name]

"Will I ever see you again, Shanks" [Y/N] asked with her little ten years old voice looking up at the red head with her big [E/C] eyes.

Shanks chuckled as he kneeled down in front of [Y/N] placing his right hand on her forehead with that big smile on his face like always.

"Sure you will kiddo, I promise" Shanks said to her ruffling her hair up which made her giggle and smile.

"Good" [Y/N] said before she gave Shanks a big hug with her small arms as he returned the hug with his only arm.

"See you later, [Y/N]" Shanks said once he stood up and headed back to his ship where his crew was waiting for him.

"Bye Shanks" [Y/N] said as she waved her hand at him and his crew once the ship was sailing away from the port.

That was the last time [Y/N] and Shanks ever saw each other, after eight years she grew up to be a beautiful woman and started her own crew of her own that she called [C/N] sailing the world with her friends that loved the sea just as much as she did; she sure was making a name for herself in the world of pirates, meeting Luffy was interesting and they became friends real fast when she helped him and the other's take down Crocodile.

Sometimes her mind would think about what Shanks was doing and if they might will ever come across each other on the seas some day, [Y/N] might not have known what Shanks was up to but he surely knew what she was up to in the pirate world and was always ready to come help her if she needed him like in the past.

Soon it came the time of the great war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, [Y/N] joined the war because she would always help her friends and since she has meet Ace once and knowing how much Luffy cared about him, she will do anything to help them both out. Being in this war was chaos in its self seeing how the marine's were strong but the Whitebeard pirates weren't going to give up even after the many tricks the marines threw at them they would always stand up and fight; everything was going perfectly when Ace was finally free from his chains but that's when the real chaos soon came to light.

Being injured from the fighting [Y/N] tried to find Luffy and Ace through the crowd of fighting men and women; the sounds of people screaming in pain filled her ears it was hard to not listen to them; but the sounds of Luffy's scream caught her attention making her head snap to her right having her [E/C] eye's widen in horror.

"Luffy! Ace!" she shouted out as she ran to them both, but she was to late to help Ace from his injury and Luffy was crying his lungs out and the only thing [Y/N] could do was hold him in her arms as he cried.

Right now she really wish could have done something more and she was feeling useless for not helping Luffy more, when she felt like this she would always be comfort by Shanks when she would feel sad and lost and knowing he wasn't here broke her heart.

-Small Skip-

Getting Luffy to safety was hard enough when she tried to take down as many marines as she could but with her injury she was slow and struggling so she took more hits than she could handle but she wasn't going to pass out until Luffy was safe after the mystery pirate showed up to help him with Luffy's injury.

That's when everything was suddenly in silence and she didn't know why it might have been from blood lose or her ears just ringing so much everything just didn't sound normal.

"Boss! You sure about this? You haven't seen Luffy in ten whole years you're not even going to say hi?" the voice of Luck Roux came to her ears.

"Its been that long huh?" the voice of Shanks brought through her ringing ear.

[Y/N] just seem to almost freeze hearing his voice again after eight years, her heart pounded noting knowing if she should turn around and look at him or not but her body seem to move on its own; she soon found herself turned around to see Shanks standing there. She couldn't help but stare at him almost like she was seeing a ghost for the first time in her life.

"S-Shanks?" she spoke out gently almost like a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

Seeing Shanks turn his attention to her; seeing his black eyes widen a bit with surprise, she knew she probably looked like shit at this moment wishing their meeting after eight years wouldn't be like this and just a weird moment they would run into each other in a small town or something but here they were right now.

"[Y/N]" Shanks said her name fully facing her now, seeing the broken look in her eyes he knew how much she was struggling to keep from crying after all of this.

On instinct he out stretched his right hand out to her silently telling her to come to him, which she didn't even think twice about when she found herself running to him; wrapping her bruised and cut up arms around him clutching the back of his shirt as she hid her face in his chest, feeling Shanks' hand on the back of her head holding her close to him felt like home. Things might have been different but nothing has changed her feeling for the red head, she has always loved him the moment they meet thinking it was just a silly little crush for a ten years old but being here in his arms she knew that it wasn't and she didn't want to leave his side.

Her body slightly shivered from the silent tears that streamed down her face as he held her in his arm, feeling his heart break seeing her so sad and hurt bad his heart shatter knowing he wasn't here to protect her.

"I'm here now, I'll always be here" Shanks said to her softly which seem to calm [Y/N] a bit. 

He was never going to let [Y/N] be hurt like this again as long as he lived; he made a silent promise to himself about protecting her with his life once they left this battlefield that broke [Y/N] more mentally than physically and he will always be by her side no matter what.

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