Luffy x Reader [3] [Requested]

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The days have been kind of hell in [Y/N]'s words alone; many marines were always popping up out of nowhere and giving them trouble, not to mention Luffy was never leaving her alone at all day or night.

He would always wake her up like normal in the morning, always sneaking her food to make her laugh or something, giving her small surprising kisses when she wasn't looking and always dragging her away from the ship to have fun on an island like they used to.

She has never spoke or looked at Nami ever again since the time when [Y/N] slapped her hard across the face and yelling at her and Nami hasn't tried to talk to her either so at least one person got the message about not being able to repair their friendship in any way.

But Luffy was another story but [Y/N] would have to admit that it was enjoyable to spend time with Luffy like this once again even if he did make that promise to win back her heart it was still hard for [Y/N] to ever trust him once again she felt like if she didn't keep her walls up than everything will fall back to the way that it was. Being happy and being with Luffy but always wondering if he was still in love with Nami or not those thoughts were always in the back of her mind the more each day passed.

Each day she was always in her deep thoughts, thinking about the same things over and over again; will she forgive Luffy and take him back? Or will she just leave for good and be gone forever from this world people called life? These two thoughts that ran through her mind were just eaten her mind every signal day; the others might not be able to see it but [Y/N] could feel it inside her body and mind. She didn't mean for these thoughts to be inside her mind but she couldn't help but think about these things it was just how she thought and normally with her thoughts they can go very deep or even very deadly.

right now [Y/N] was with the crew, they just stopped at and island for some fun in the sun but [Y/N] was just sitting next to Robin watching the others play together with games they made up; laughing and smiling as they played, [Y/N] watched Luffy a couple of time seeing him act like his foolish and goofy self like before; once again those thoughts crept into her brain once more. What if he does it again? Or he could mean what he told you before? Her brain focused on these thoughts and drowned out everything around her as she stared into nothing as she thought about these two thoughts fighting inside her head.

That was until someone tapped her shoulder which made her jump when she looked to her right seeing Robin looking at her in worry when she finally got [Y/N] to look over at her after calling her name several times.

"Are you alright?" Robin asked seeing that here was something wrong with [Y/N] when she was staring out into space.

"Oh, yes I'm fine just zoned out" [Y/N] just shrugged it off acting like nothing was wrong while putting on a smile and a small giggle acting like herself or trying to act like herself.

"Alright" was all Robin said to her as she leaned back in her chair and returned to her book that was on her lap.

[Y/N] stood up from her chair to stretch out her arms, taking in the fresh air she started walking around on the sand that was hot on her feet but she didn't mind it at all as she let the waves cool her feet as she strolled on the shoreline enjoying herself for the time.

Nothing but the wind blowing through her [H/L] [H/C] hair and the warm sun against her skin as she closed her eyes listening to the waves that slowly waved back and forth against the shore and her feet as she walked by herself away from the crew;  but she didn't mind it was nice just being around the ocean alone to listen to it peacefully.

But [Y/N] was feeling tired after standing there for a while so she went to sit under a tree that was bringing enough shade so she could just sit there and relax, she closed her eyes once more letting her ears listen to the ocean sounds which made her relax even more, any more she might be even able to fall asleep for a while under the tree she leaned against while sitting on the sand.

"[Y/N]?" the sound of Luffy came to her which made her slowly open her eyes to look up at him who was standing in front of her.

"What do want?" she asked in a tired tone slowly closing her eyes once more wanting to just be alone for a while but at the same time to not be alone.

"Just wanted to know, if it was okay to join you?" Luffy asked her while kneeling down looking at her with puppy dog eyes that normally [Y/N] couldn't say no to.

But she still couldn't say no to him, she sighed heavily before she looked at him again knowing he was doing his puppy dog eyes at her like before.

"You do know that you can barely sit still when I want to relax" [Y/N] said pointing out that he doesn't like sitting in one spot for very long and starts acting like an idiot more than he already is.

"I can try" Luffy said still giving her puppy dog eyes which she sighed to again when she glanced at the ground.

"Fine" was all she said before leaning back again the tree.

Luffy smiled his goofy smile before he sat beside [Y/N] on her right, getting comfy sitting pretty close to [Y/N] who was keeping her eyes close.

"[Y/N]" Luffy said her name once more wanting to ask her a question.

"What?" she asked still with her eyes closed.

"Did I win back your heart?" was all Luffy asked when he glanced over at her a bit watching her.

"I.......I don't know" was all [Y/N] could say to him because she didn't even know if he did or not right now.

"Well if I did, you can come talk to me in my room if I didn't and don't come talk to me then I will understand" Luffy said as he looked out at the sea.

"Alright" was all she said back.

Not knowing she found herself leaning her head against Luffy's shoulder finding herself falling asleep from the sound of the waves that kept soothing her to sleep. Luffy placed his head against hers soon closing his eye slowly finding himself falling asleep himself as he took her free hand in his holding it in his hand feeling her slightly tighten her grip on his hand which made him smile a little bit as they both slowly fell asleep together under the tree on the beach unknown what they next few hours will bring them.

Either a happy ending for the both of them or a dark ending with grief and loneliness. 

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