Luffy x Reader Cross-Over [Requested 3]

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Having the cold ice create a snow covered cloud was perfect for me and Luffy to make our way pass the three admirals to try and get towards Ace; trying to make quick work of this and save him before he was killed but Admiral Kizaru showed up out of no where thanks to his devil fruit powers. Luffy pushed me behind him that he took the strong his which made him fly into the building on our right.

"Luffy" I shouted out worrying that hit could have hurt him seriously without him knowing it could.

"[Y/N] go save Ace!" Luffy shouted back at me when the dust was slowly clearing showing he was still alive and kicking.

I wanted to say something but the sound of Sengoku giving the order for Ace's death brought my attention to what was happening; everyone shouted in horror seeing they were going to kill Ace right here and now while everyone was distracted, I growled when I put my hands together might as well use it while I have the chance here and now.

"Galick Gun!!" I shouted out shooting  a beam out towards the two men who held large swords to kill Ace.

I think I took everyone by surprise with that new move of mine but it wasn't something new to me since I was trained to use it along with a couple of other moves I kept hidden from the others.

In a flash I was suddenly behind Ace which grabbed his attention, Garp's and Sengoku's attention as well. Not to mention Whitebeard and the others breaking through the wall just in time to get the battle going again.

"How the hell did you show up here!?" Sengoku yelled at me as I stood behind Ace.

"My secrets are my own, I won't let you sick bastards have your victory of fails justice" I glared at him showing I wasn't playing around here.

He glared back at me as he started using his devil fruit powers himself but I acted quickly on my part when Garp jumped off of the stand when it started to break which lead to me and Ace falling towards the ground.

"[Y/N], ACE!" Luffy shouted as he ran towards us wanting to help us out as the marines around us aimed their guns at us both.

I held into the cuffs closing one eye sending a laser beam inside the locks which made them break just in time when we were hit with bullets and cannonballs creating a large smoke around us both; I'm sure everyone around us thought we were hit good and done for but the sounds of the chains hitting the ground brought those thoughts to a close as flames started surrounding the smoke and around Ace and I.

"Ever since you both were little you two never listened to a word I've said, have you?" Ace spoke to me when the flames surrounded us when he glanced back at me being his old self again.

"Someone had to rescue you hot head" I smirked back which made him laugh.

"[Y/N], ACE!!" we heard Luffy when he landed on the ground before we both knew it Luffy had his arms around us which made us smile and return the hug.

Nothing has really changed at all, we were always going to be sticking together4 no matter where the seas took us and the marines aren't going to bring us apart no matter how hard they try. Seeing Luffy smiling bright again made my heart flutter with joy knowing he was back to his old self again when Ace was finally safe from deaths door.

"You're the best [Y/N]" Luffy said to me which made me blush a little bit.

"Anything for you Luffy" I said to him seeing his smile grow even bigger as he chuckled.

"Let's get out of here and catch up later once everything cools down?" Ace said to us which made us nod in agreement.

"LET'S GO!!" Luffy shouted out loudly as Luffy, Ace and myself charged in towards the marines ready for a fight to get out of here and sail away safely so that no one can hurt any more of our friend.

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