Kid x Reader [Nobody Else]

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Baby, hold on
You know you're my light
When everything's pulling me under
A little longer
Please just stay with me
'Cause you know I need someone to hold on to

You didn't know what it was going to be like being married to Kid; not like it was a choice to marry him, your father being the bastard he was bargained with Kid. Giving you his only daughter to him and you were afraid of Kid but not as much like your father who was crueler than Kid ever dreamed of being. Of course, Kid agreed to marry you and to keep this island safe since it was in their property. The wedding was the next day before they sailed back to the main HQ for the Kid Pirates, you stood next to Kid all dressed in white shaking but not because of Kid it was because of the threat your father told you before you went down the aisle that was supposed to be a happy day for you right? But it didn't feel like that and now you didn't know what to do.

 Like you were told, you made sure that Kid was satisfied that night on your wedding night even though it hurt for being your first time, but you didn't want to get beaten again by your father for failing your duties as a woman. But it really wasn't that bad of a night you thought it would have been, to your surprise he was gentle the first time for you guiding you and making you feel safe for the first time in your life.

I'm going out of my mind
And keep asking myself
If you're not with me what does everything mean to me?
No matter what they say
I'll believe in my way, 
When you come back to me, I'll give you all my heart!!

You woke up the next morning, being in a large bed covered in red silk sheets; you must have been out for Kid to carry you all the way up to his or your shared room now. Looking to your right you didn't see Kid there and you didn't know where he was when you got up and dressed for the day; only to learn from one of the servants that Kid sailed out to take care of some business which made you sad knowing he was gone the next day. But you had plenty of things to keep you busy while he was gone; taking care of the smaller things the castle needed and doing what you enjoyed with your paints.

But the news made you feel fear again when you read that Red Hair Shanks and Captain Kid had a fight a very bloody one and no one knew what happened or who was injured more; but knowing how powerful Shanks you knew Kid had to be injured or worse and now you could barely get any sleep with your worried mind; praying that he would come back to you safely.

I'll be with you
'Til the end of eternity
I will be your only star
Shine on you like morning star
To be with you
I will make my destiny
I want you to be my love
You know you're my only one

Seeing the ship made your heart pound when you rushed down to the docks to meet Kid there; still praying that he was alright and alive. Seeing his red hair in the distance made your eyes blur with tear of joy when you ran faster than you thought you would for anyone.

"KID!" you shouted out loudly in joy which caught his attention when he turned to face you.

Not giving him any time, you wrapped your arms around him tightly shaking a bit from the adrenaline that ran through your body knowing that he was alive and well; you know he wouldn't hug back but that surprised you when you felt his one arm wrap around you tightly holding you close to him as he placed his lips on top of your head like he fear himself that he wouldn't return and not seeing you again which made your heart feel warm when you held him in your arms never wanting to let him go any time soon.

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