Image 40# Christmas Morning

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He was just as bad as your two twin boys, A.J and Jacob but he knew that you didn't like being woken up to early. So it was easy to say he kept the boys busy, when seven rolls around then it is time to wake you up to head downstairs and start your Christmas morning with your boys. Which was normally loud and in chaos fun.


There is no stopping Luffy your your children Link, Trevor, Rachel, Evie & Hannah who are excited for the morning. The moment the first person wakes up its time for everyone to wake up and have fun all day. So there is no extra sleep when everyone is up and opening gifts, there was nothing that could swipe the bright smile on your face as you enjoyed this morning with your family.


It was always a nice morning when your daughter Opal woke you and Sabo up for Christmas morning, it was always cute when she dragged you out of bed and rushed downstairs waiting for you both. You both always had warm smiles as you watched her open her gifts seeing her eyes light up as she saw the things she would get the best one as she put it. Was learning she was going to be a big sister.


Now Law was not the early riser on some occasions and this would be one of them, but luckily he couldn't say no to your triplet boys L.J, Damian & Corazon who would come in and wake you both up with bright smiles. At least it wasn't to early like four or three they knew better then to wake up super early. But it was always a fun morning watching your boys have a great day opening up gifts.


Now it was always a chaos morning with your children James & Ellie who weren't quite about waking up at all. You and Kid could hear them from your room before they came in to wake you both up, even though Kid wished he could sleep in a bit long with you; you both know that wouldn't happen with the two tornados called your children.


Thatch was up when he knew your daughter Elizabeth would be up, leaving you to sleep a bit longer he would make breakfast with Elizabeth and once they ate; he would bring your breakfast up to you which was always a nice time to wake up to. It was always a nice calm morning by the fireplace as you and Thatch watched Elizabeth open up gifts by the tree.


Eliza & Poppy would always come into the room with bright smiles as they woke you and Marco up; they were always filled with excitement. Watching the girls open the gifts you would always lean against Marco as you both enjoyed a cup of coffee; watching how excited the girls got as they showed each other their new items.


The boys Richard, Oliver & Greg would always be filled with energy even if you and Shanks weren't. But that didn't stop the morning of Christmas for them; they would always make sure you both were dragged out of bed before rushing down stairs to see all the gifts under the tree; Shanks would always hold you close as you both watched the boys have fun on this fine wintery morning.


George would always come inside your room and poke your cheek until you woke up first; he didn't like trying to wake up Nami that much, but you would wake her up for him. He was always the bubbly one and he always had fun grabbing a gift from under the tree before coming to sit between you and Nami on the sofa to show you both what was inside the box.


Tris would always wait around eight as she read a book in her bed, once she knew she could wake you both up she would come in knocking first and smiling as she saw you and Robin up. Leading the way downstairs, she would sit down by the tree and gifts as you and Robin soon sat down with her letting her begin to open up gifts.


For your son Aaron he would always come into the room and wake up Usopp first before climbing over towards you waking you. He always had a bright smile like his father, you and Usopp sat on the sofa watching with warm smiles as Aaron opened his gifts smiling like no tomorrow.


Your triplet boys Cole, Zack & Evan always made it a contest to see who can wake up first and wake up you and Zoro first. It was always like that, even though it took a good minute or more to wake up Zoro since he was a deep sleeper. But once you both were up the boys would always race down surprisingly not hurting each other in the race. But it was always fun seeing how they all smiled and showed their items to each other as you and Zoro watched them.


Ben always helped Sanji with cooking, he would always help make anything. Sanji would always find Ben in the kitchen waiting to help and they would always give you breakfast in bed. Before heading downstairs to sit on the sofa together as Ben would open up gifts that he always loved getting.


Lilly & Taylor were your treasure and Franky love spoiling them even though it sometimes got out of hand. But the girls knew hard work that's another good thing. Sometimes Frank would be in his shop before knowing how early in the morning it was, so he was always up when the girls got up. Before waking you up to join them downstairs, you all would sit by the tree watching the girls open their gifts with bright smiles and big doe eyes with excitement.


Ivy looked just like Killer so she was a little treasure to her father. She would always come in to wake you both up gently jumping on the bed you wake you both up. Then she would rush downstairs waiting for you and Killer to join her downstairs, first grabbing a cup of coffee before sitting on the sofa to watch her start opening up gifts from under the tree.

[a/n: Merry Christmas Everyone!!]   

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