Luffy x Reader [Request] [2]

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There was only one word that can describe for [Y/N] which was 'WHAT THE HELL?' through out everyone on the ship, she was once a smiling friendly loving person and the moment the ship sailed off she turned into someone different like completely and no one knew why or could understand that.

She was now nothing but a nasty bitchy woman who hated everyone around her, Luffy couldn't even get her to smile anymore and he tried everything; his silly jokes or gestures that made her laugh, he even tried hugging her or doing things they both love doing together everything he tried everything but she was still a bitch no matter what; and it didn't matter what was going on she just was a bitch to everyone.

Everyone was worried about her and wanted to help but she would call them 'scum' or 'worthless' every time they tried to talk to her or hang out no one could understand what was going on with her, she wouldn't come out of her room for a long time; only ordering her food to be left out of her door because she didn't want anything to do with worthless people as she would say.

It was basically a living nightmare for everyone when she would come out of her room and start bitching everyone out for no reason that they haven't even done.

  Right now the crew was in the dinning hall at night when [Y/N] was in her room like always which gave them a chance to figure out what was going on with her.

"Okay this has gone on long enough it has been at least a week and I'm sick of her whole new attitude" Nami said being a bit annoyed and concern about her friend.

"Something has to be bothering her if not then someone must be either forcing her to act like this or blackmailing her" Zoro said leaning against the wall behind him.

 "Whatever the problem is we need to figure this out" Sanji said lighting up a cig in his mouth.

Chopper looked over at Luffy seeing he was sad about this whole thing trying to figure it out; he and [Y/N] were always close no matter what was happening....

"Luffy you okay?" Chopper asked being his kind and gentle self.

"Sort of, I just want [Y/N] back" he answered looking a bit down as he sighed.

Everyone shared the same feeling they wanted their very old [Y/N] back but wondering what happened on that island was something that no one could understand right now but it was just frustrating not knowing what was going on inside her head.

"Should we head back to the island and find a clue or ask if Traffy can take a look at her?" Robin asked wondering if those were an option.

"I think we should go back to the island and see if we can't find something that can't help us" Usopp said knowing that might be the better end of the deal for this situation right now.

"Then let's go back and find out a way to help [Y/N]" Luffy said standing up from his chair wanting to help her in anyway that he can right now.

"Yeah! "Everyone agreed knowing that this was alsao the best way for this situation.

"But what if she asks why we're heading back?" Chopper asked wondering what if that happened and she caught on.

"Then we just make something up, but if she gives us lip then we're throwing it right back no holding back" Zoro said not wanting to take anymore of her crap that she has been dishing out for at least a week now.

"Agreed" Nami second that idea crossing her arms while doing so.

"Alright we'll head back to the island and make sure that she doesn't catch onto our plan" Luffy said agreeing to not let her know anything right now.

They all nod their heads in agreement before turning the lights out and heading back to their room to get some sleep for the plan to take action tomorrow in the morning before [Y/N] woke up or even if she came out of her room but they hope that this plan would work somehow or in some way.

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