Iceberg x Reader [p4] [Lemon] [Requests]

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[Mature Contact] Enjoy!

Its been a couple of months since the first date between Iceberg and [y/n] and plenty has happened; around on the eighth date is when Iceberg popped the question for her to be his girlfriend and [y/n] couldn't feel any happier to say yes to that idea. It was something that was a surprise to them both a little since they both thought; they didn't see this coming and it was a great relief to know that they both felt the same way about each other.

And of course that news traveled super fast through out Water 7 but it didn't bother them. They were just happy that they finally could be together after everything that happened between them and their lives; so it started looking like a happy ending not to mention things were starting to look up in life at this moment.

Right now it was a busy day for [y/n] since she was busy packing up some boxes that were left at her apartment. Around their one month anniversary Iceberg asked her to finally move in with her; she was glad to say yes. Even though some people thought it was moving to fast, to them it was a time that was long over due. So here she was packing up the last thing's in her apartment before taking them and heading over to the large house that Iceberg lived in. It was exciting to say the least and she couldn't kept the smile off of her face when she placed her final box in one of the empty rooms.

  "You sure you have everything" Iceberg joked when he saw all of these boxes in the room.

"I'm sure I do" she giggled when she also looked at the many boxes inside this room.

"Alright, I'll see you after your shift" Iceberg smiled when he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek making her smile warmly.

"Okay, I'll see you later" she said before grabbing her bag to head off to her shop to help out with a extra shift before coming back home for the night.

the day seem to fly by fast and [y/n] was still full of energy even after her shift at her shop. Coming back to the big house; she was ready to get ready for bed but she paused when she saw lights coming from Iceberg's office, glancing at the time on the clock on the wall it was pretty late like around nine close to ten already. She sighed for a moment knowing he was going to work till midnight so she knew she had to make him sleep since he was just filled with work.

Standing in front of his office door, she knocked on the door earning a soft 'come in' from the other side. Opening the door she smiled warmly as she closed the door behind her; seeing him working on some papers on his desk.

"You know there is this great thing called sleep, you should try it sometime" she joked as she stood by him on his right with a grin on her face.

"Sounds very interesting, love" he couldn't help but laugh a bit as he signed the final papers on his desk and placing them in the draws to his left.

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