Kid x Alpha Reader [Mates]

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[A/N: Modern style]

If there was one word for today it was ANNOYED! And that is exactly what Kid was annoyed extremely annoyed for the day. Besides sitting in class listening to the boring history lesson the teacher was talking about, beside being annoyed he was a ticking bomb with anger right now since his morning didn't start out like any normal one hell his whole life was a living hell really.

His best friend Killer could see it all over his face as they sat in class, being in Kid's situation wasn't the greatest thing for a male at all, being a male Omega wasn't the greatest in the ranks to be honest it was very, very rare for a male to become an Omega and not an Alpha for their pack and to make it even worse for Kid his parents were the leader of their pack and to have an heir turn into an Omega is like the biggest living hell for the child itself.

In Kid's thoughts through out the class he was suddenly met with a strong scent in the class once that door opened wide; the strong smell he never sensed before was overwhelming big time for him.

"Sorry I'm late" a female called out to the class bringing Kid's attention to the door seeing a girl with [H/L] [H/C] hair and big [E/C] eyes with a bright smile on her face as she closed the door behind her.

"It's alright, take your seat" the teacher said before going back to the lesson for the day.

The girl sat right behind Kid which made thing's worse for him, the scent was stronger when she was closer, he was trying to stay calm and control his breath taking deep breathes. The whole room around him made him feel like he was suffocating struggling to get air in his lungs.

"Kid you good?" Killer whispered to him seeing how he was acting.

"Y-yeah" Kid said struggling to make words and that was a rarity for him since he was always the tough guy.

Killer glanced behind Kid seeing the girl writing down the lesson in her book, Killer could smell the alpha coming from her clear as day and seeing how Kid was acting it didn't take long to put two and two together.

The girl sitting behind Kid was [Y/N] a well know girl that came from a wealthy family and clan as well, it was interesting smelling the alpha coming from her; her clan was known to having nothing but strong Omega's or Beta's in the clan which was good for other clan's who had Alpha sons to start their own clan in the future keeping the peace between each clan of wolves. But having a female Alpha was something interesting.

Feeling dizzy with the scent behind him Kid was struggling to control his Omega inside his body, he never was like this with any Alpha's around him but somehow this girl behind him was driving him crazy. In his struggling thoughts he felt like he was about to pass out any minute now if he stayed near [Y/N] any longer, he didn't hear the teacher call his name the third time until the forth time which caught his attention.

"Miss [L/N] please help Kid to the nurse's office" the teacher said in a worry tone.

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