Ace x Reader [Tonight]

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[A/N: Song is from the film West Side Story, Bold is Ace and Italic is Reader and both BOLD and Italic is both, hope you enjoy]

On the island was any normal night for anyone who lived on this island but it wasn't for two people in the whole world and that would be Fire Fist Ace and the young admiral [Y/N] {L/N], they were secretly in love with each other and it was hard to keep something like that a secret from basically everyone. Ace really wanted to tell someone about his secret crush on [Y/N] for a while hell even when he first saw her but he knew that would be big trouble for them both and he didn't want to put [Y/N] through that even though he loved her with all of his heart. It was the same with [Y/N] she wanted to tell her best friend Tashigi but she would open her big mouth with many warnings and questions not to mention she would tell Smoker which is [Y/N]'s uncle.

And tonight was just one of those nights, they met when the marine ship [Y/N] commanded a couple of months ago; it was just a basic battle between pirates and marines but during the clash Ace went after the admiral of the ship which was [Y/N] the moment they clashed with each other time just froze around them as they're eyes met. Not many people believe in love at first sight but how Ace and [Y/N] looked at each other for the longest time the rare moment of love at first sight is true for them both.

[Y/N]'s ship was on one part of the island while the Moby Dick was on the other side of the island, they didn't know they were on the same island only [Y/N] and Ace knew that they were on the same island since they exchanged a piece of paper to tell each other where they are on the seas.

[Y/N] was just walking around she told her crew she'd be out and about to not make it look to weird just leaving all of a sudden; but she walked around seeing all the nice things this town had around it with the happy people around her made her smile a little; she soon found herself by the ocean on a beach that was beautiful with the moonlight shining on the water and the fireflies blinking as they flew around.

"[Y/N]!" she heard the voice of Ace shouting out her name, she swore he could wake up the whole island. 

"Ssshhh you don't have to shout" she spoke gently with a warm smile on her face when Ace was just a few feet away from her.

"If I could shout out to everyone about how much I love you I would" Ace smiled warmly as her as she blushed by his words.

She giggled a bit as Ace held her hands in his hands tightly having their eyes meet again cherishing these moment they could get no matter how big or small.

"Let's go have fun out in the town" Ace said having a great idea of a date for them both.

"You know any one of our crew members could see us there" she said knowing that his crew would be out in the town and her crew might be as well right now,

"Come on, just for a minute?" he asked as he looked at her.

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