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Hey guys, I'm here with an update for you guys I am writing out a book of One Piece, its call 'Craving You' its about Eustass Kid and an OC girl I made named Kumiko Kago.

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Here is the cover for the book, hope you guys like it I'm not the best at writing  books but I'm hoping you guys like it. Also if you guys have different ideas to help the book I will gladly place you're ideas into the book. Hope you guys like it and enjoy reading it! also if there is a character from One Piece you would like to have in a single book let me now in the comments and if you want it as a reader x character or if you have an Oc let me know the details about him or her that you have in mind.

Thanks for reading my one shot book so far it means a lot to me! :)

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