Kid x Reader [Two Years] [6]

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A/N: Mature contact within the final chapter

it has been at least three days now and the ship was ready to set sail at any day now with the supplies being brought to the ship this morning.

[Y/N] was in her herb garden looking for fresh herbs to pick for some medicine she needed to make for the evening; she was just humming along as she picked a few things here and there the faint sound of the crew getting their supplies onto the ship came to her ears as she picked up her basket heading inside to her house.

[Y/N] couldn't help but feel sorry that she was going to be left alone once again, she has grown fond of Kid and the other's; a faint smile came to her face when she thought of Kid and the many little thing's that changed a bit between them. They may have been small changes they don't argue as much as they used to but it was a start and when he was bored he would look for her and make small talk with each other which was very nice too. 

She walked into the house walking into the kitchen bringing her herbs out of the basket and grabbing some tools to make her medicine for the village; that was when the sound of the door opening and closing came to her ears which made her smirk a little bit until the sight of Kid from the corner of her eye seeing the bored look on his face as he leaned against the wall behind him crossing his two arms together; It was interesting when he first made it for himself using his powers to make it, it was large and bulky too so it was interesting how well he worked it after the pass two days that went by.

"I take your bored" she smiled faintly to herself mixing some herbs in some hot water.

"What gave me away" Kid smirked as he watched her brew her little medicine.

[Y/N] couldn't help but chuckle giving a flash smile towards Kid who smirked grew listening to [Y/N]'s laugh that he secretly loved to listen to when they were together.

"So when will you be leaving?" she asked bringing her attention to him with a warm smile.

"Not for a couple of hours" he shrugged still staying at his spot on the wall.

"Well, I'm glad that I could help you guys when I could" she smiled again warmly before returning back to her work.

Kid watched for a moment as she worked the magic of her healing hands, not minding where his thoughts drifted as he watched her intensively; seeing those smooth hands work their magic making the medicine. Kid wondered what her hands might feel like working their magic on other things which made his mind drift to darker parts of his mind and zone out in the mean time until his thoughts were broken by someone waving their hand in front of his face.

"Anyone home, Kid?" [Y/N] joked with a smirk on her face after calling his name after a few times.

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