Luffy x Reader [request] [2]

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Tonight was a big storm, the wind was blowing strongly and the rain was coming down hard I'm sure some tree limbs will come down. Not to mention there was a lot of thundering outside as well so there was a bit of flickering from the lighting and listening to the loud thunder coming after that.

I was sitting in my room reading one of my manga's drowning out the storm outside as best as I could; but that's when the lights all went out which made me groan from the lack of light that i had to continue reading my manga before going to bed. Reaching into my bed side table I found my flashlight i had for things like this since using my phone will only waste the batteries on it.

Getting up from the bed ready to get come candles to light up the room a bit; but before I could open my door my bedroom windows burst opened by the strong winds which made me jump and scream a bit from the burst, the wind was cold and getting a few things wet from the rain that was flying into my room. walking over to the window fighting the strong winds I grabbed onto the windows trying my best to close them.

Pushing as hard as I could I was almost there to closing my windows but all of a sudden I felt a shocking pain shoot right through my body from head to toe; feeling myself fly back into my desk knocking over my things when I rammed into it letting some glass break along with some school books and a lamp falling as I laid limp on the ground in my room letting my whole go black.

I could feel nothing, hear nothing or could see nothing in this world of darkness; thi9s must be what death feels like before I don't know if there was anything on the other side. But I swear I thought I could hear a voice of some kind but I didn't know what it was.

"Young child, suffering an awful still have so much to live for" the deep voice echoed around me, so I did die but who was this voice I kept hearing and what did it want?

"I shall grant you a new life before it is to late to save you child" the voice spoke again.

Feeling another shock through my body I could see my memories of my old life flashing before my eyes, but they were suddenly were being replaced by others as they all flashed through my mind....the feeling of being alone and not being loved for who I was was slowly fading away as my new life was flashing through my mind right before me, hearing many voices of different kinds come into my ears as they're smiling faces were always shown to me which made my heart flutter with excitement and love for all who was new in my life but felt like I knew them through out my entire life.

that's when the shocking slowed down and became numbness for a while as the memories were now in my mind as I relaxed from the energy that shot through my body.

"Now go future Queen of the Pirates" the voice spoke to me once more before the sound of its voice slowly faded out from my ear until I could hear nothing once more again.

the feeling of something soft underneath me was the first thing that I could feel under me, was I in a bed? How long was I out? And why do I feel so drained of energy? Slowly trying to open my eyes I could hear voices around me whispering or they could be talking normal I just was starting to hear them.

Soon the blinding light made me blink for a moment before it became clear that I was in a very bright room and not to mention colorful as well; slowly glancing around I could see there was a lot of sea like things around like a lamps or bookshelves and things like that. Slowly sitting up I could feel a little bit of pain in my body but not that bad, I could taste salt water on my lips which made me think I must of fallen into the ocean or something hence why I feel a but weaker than normal.

"Oh good your awake, we thought you wouldn't be able to wake up again" a voice of a woman came to my ears when I looked to my right making me jump a for a moment when I saw a group of people around me.

MERMAIDS!? What? Where am I? Oh wait that's right I was travelling to Fishman Island for some reason which made calm down a little bit. I was about to ask a question but the sound of something rumbling made us stop and freeze in place.

"what was that?" I asked when I looked up at the ceiling with a confused look on my face.

"Oh that must be Luff and the other fighting those mean fishman pirates" the mermaid told me when she glanced up at the ceiling and glancing back at me.

"Luffy? I have to go help" I said in surprised before I stood up grabbing my weapon rushing out of the door before the mermaids in the room could stop me from heading out to the battle to help Luffy and his crew.

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