Vampire Law x Reader [Vampire's Kiss] [P2]

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A soft music of the waltz played through out the room as people in the finest gowns and suits danced gracefully across the candlelit ball room; the moon shined above the clouds as the stars seem to dance in the night sky with the music. 

Small chats of groups softly echoed through the room slightly covered by the music and people smiled and gossip around other; drinking wine to their hearts desire. 

[Y/N] couldn't help but wonder why she was standing around this room she have never seen before yet feel like she have been here before. As [Y/N] slowly glided through the large room people seem to nod their head to her speaking the name of highness, she could not speak back to ask questions only to nod and smile warmly at them as she walked through the ballroom watching people enjoy their dancing and chattering.

As [Y/N]  walked through the room she was suddenly spun around making her smile and giggle as she was turned around and into the arms of a man who smirked and chuckled, she swears she heard that chuckle before but she could not place it. Wrapping his arm around her waist and taking her right hand in his left he soon guided her to the dance floor where they glided through the crowd dancing to the soft music smiling warmly at each other, the night seem to just begin as she danced with this mysterious man yet something inside of her was screaming that she knew him and that she should remember but she couldn't, he spun [Y/N] around once more before dipping her; she sighed as [Y/N] tilted her head back feeling his lips graze her neck before he opened started opening his mouth and letting her gasp in delight feeling a slight pain in her neck.

[Y/N] suddenly woke up from the dream that felt so real to her, she was slightly breathing heavy from the dream; feeling her eyes adjust to the sunlight that shined inside her room through the curtains that were blowing in the warm summer breeze. Her heart didn't stop thumping as she glanced around her room seeing that if she was dreaming or not, she placed her hands around her neck making sure she didn't feel anything on her neck but she could still feel the man's hot breath against her neck.

"It was just a dream" she whispered to herself as she stood up from her bed walking to her curtains and opening them letting the sun into the room with the warm breeze.

A soft knock was on her door making her attention turn to the door that opened up to her room.

"Morning Milady I will run the bath for you" her maid said with a warm smile on her face.

"Thank you Martha" she said returning the warm smile on her face as her maid went to the bathroom that was attached to her room to run her a warm bath for the morning. 

After her warm bath [Y/N] combed her hair still thinking about the dream she had last night getting lost in a daze; but she suddenly felt a pinch on her neck making her drop her comb on the floor when he held her neck from where the pinch came from.

Confused at this she leaned closer to the mirror in front of her and looked at her neck seeing a red mark there which made her confused.

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