Luffy x Reader [Requested]

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[A/N: The reader will be 10 through out the story for this requested like a future love sort of way]

"FINALLY!!!" [Y/N] shouted from her little ship that she has been sailing on. She finally reached the new world after a long journey on the seas by herself; being only ten yes that is correct she is ten years old. 

Meet [Y/N] [L/N] a very interesting pirate that has been on the seas for a while; yes she was young but she was trained by the best of the best being trained by Rayleigh himself for at least three years; she was something special for sure. The marine's have nicked name her Lucky [Y/N] because she has an interesting way in surviving the un-survival situations of all time; she knows three haki one being Observation Haki that was the first one that she had when she was five years old but no one knew why, the second she had was Armament type 1 the invisible armor haki she trained very hard until she was six to get to that point not to mention when she turned seven that's when she was adopted by Rayleigh and that's when training start once she reach nine she got her third haki Conqueror's Haki  that was her best one out of all of them really but she didn't use it much because she wasn't the reckless and rebel type.

[Y/N] was a very sweet and gentle girl even though she has had a rough life from the start but no matter what she has always  had a bright smile on her face no matter what. She also had some advance haki hidden away that she hasn't used but she saves it for something special, oh and let's not forget her high bounty that is about 6.7 million berries pretty high for a little kid of ten years old. But let us continue.

Her ship finally docked on an island after reaching the new world, her smile never leaving her face as she tied the ship to the dock before rushing off towards the town to get some supplies; to be honest she didn't have to worry about being called on for being a pirate because who would believe a ten year old for being a real pirate so she had no worries to get supplies for her journey at all. Skipping around humming a tune as she carried some money with her, stopping by for some food and getting plenty of water as well; always asking for delivery since she can't carry it by herself.

The sun was just setting when she was done with her shopping; heading back to the docks still skipping with her smile bright as ever; heading back to her ship she was just coming around the corner to the docks that when she froze in place with her [E/C] eyes widen in surprise when she saw a familiar ship that was just docked right next to hers.

"Oh my god, its the sunny" she whispered excitedly when she rushed down to the docks standing at the side of the ship seeing how big this was; the Straw Hats were her hero's and she might have had a little crush on their captain Luffy too but she never thought she would be on the same island as they were on they must have docked a few minutes ago.

"Hello!" she shouted a bit wondering if anyone was on the ship.

No one answered yet as she waited for a moment to see if they heard her; but she took a big breath before shouting again.

"HELLO!!!" she shouted loudly enough for them to her hear voice.

"Wonder who that could be?" a voice came from the ship until she saw antlers and a hat seeing a well known face.

"Oh my god, your Chopper!" she shouted excitedly jumping up and down.

"Yep that's me" he said blushing at the little complement.

"Chopper who are you talking to?" another voice came out of nowhere until they came to the side of ship looking down seeing [Y/N] standing there.

She once again gasped in shock jumping up and down still excited as ever, who wouldn't be excited to meet them they were the best and not mean pirates like others around the world.

"Your Sanji the amazing cook! Could I taste your cooking? Please, pretty please" she asked wondering if she would have a time to eat since she didn't eat yet.

Sanji couldn't help but chuckle and smile of course he was going to let her eat since they were just about to eat themselves.

"Sure thing kiddo come on up" he said with a smile which made her smile bigger as she climbed on up onto the ship.

She stood on the deck still not believing that she was here and standing on the Sunny; following Chopper and Sanji to the dining hall she could hear people chatting inside. Sanji opened the door for [Y/N] with Chopper following behind her, she eyes widened again with sparkles in her eyes seeing the whole crew here and seeing Luffy right in front of her stuffing his face like normal.

"Guys meet our little fan who just came on board" Sanji said as he walked passed her to grab her a plate.

Everyone turned their heads to look at her; [Y/N] thought this was just to good to be true for anyone in the world.

"Hi I'm [Y/N]!!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

"Welcome [Y/N] everyone said with smiles on their faces which made her giggle in excitement.

She wondered what might happen if she just stayed a bit to talk to everyone here and wonder if she talk to Luffy as well, so many questions were running through her mind as she sat down to eat dinner with the Straw Hat pirates the amazing pirate in the world.

[A/N: I hope that I am doing a good plot and that its a good start]     

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