Vampire Law x Reader [A Vampire's Kiss] [P4]

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The celebration was going on with smiles and chatters as people enjoyed the wonderful night with drink, food and dancing to their desire.

The only one who was on his guard was Law who was watching Doflamingo like a hawk across the room as he chatted with the people who seem to know him the most and that would be [Y/N]'s parents who seem to be delighted that he was here, Law didn't leave [Y/N]'s side the whole time he knew Doflamingo was in the same room as her.

[Y/N] didn't see the change in Law since she was enjoying her night and staying by his side was just perfect to her; But she could tell he was a bit more protective whenever she tried to leave his side but she just thought it was just him being nervous since he didn't know many of her friends and family only knowing her parents from the couple of weeks they have been seeing each other.

"Everything alright?" she asked when she glanced up at Law.

"Yes, why do you ask?" he acted like nothing was wrong when he looked at her. 

"I'm just wondering" she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"[Y/N] come dance with us!" her young cousin of seven tugged her dress wanting her to join the little group dancing in the middle of the room.

"Alright" she smiled as she chuckled.

Even though Law didn't want to leave her side he didn't have the heart to stop her from having fun on her day; watching her smile and laugh made him a bit relax, seeing her dancing with the children made his mind wonder if things were different would they have a family of their own already. His mind thought of those ideas for a moment but once he heard a chuckle behind him he tensed up and frowned.

"I thought you were dead" he whispered hissed at Doflamingo who stood to his right now with that sick grin on his face like always.

"You mean you hope I was dead" he chuckled as he took a sip of his wine that he held.

"If you touch her I'll make sure you stay dead" Law growled at him giving him a serious death glare.

"the night is still young, Law make sure to enjoy it" he did nothing but chuckle again ignoring his threat from before as he soon vanished into the crowd of people letting Law stand there clenching his fists together.

Once the night had come to an end, everyone slowly started leaving the mansion saying their goodbyes to the family with smiles and hugs before heading back to their homes. Law didn't want to leave but during the night he was called to the hospital to help handle some patients that came in with bad injuries, [Y/N] told him to go and save lives but the one he wanted to truly save was hers but he said he would be back once the emergency was over; giving her a kiss on the lips he soon headed towards town on horseback.

Within the silence of the night, [Y/N] was reading one of her new books she got tonight waiting for Law to return; but she suddenly heard some sounds coming from downstairs which made her jump it sounded like a scream. Standing up quickly dropping her book on the floor she rushed out of her room and downstairs wondering where the scream came from.

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