Luffy x Reader [2] [Requested]

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[A/N: Would have gotten this out a LOT sooner but Wattpad was being a B]

Day 1

The morning sun was finally shining through the open curtains in [Y/N]'s room as she slept; the bright sun made her eyes flinch a bit but she turned away from the light so that she could sleep some more even for a few more minutes, but that one wish couldn't come true for her right now.

"[Y/N]!!" the sound of Luffy's voice came screaming into her room before she felt a whole body on her making her groan.

Knowing Luffy was here only reminded her what happened yesterday and the talk that they both had together; remembering the promise he made to win back her heart once more she knew he would be acting like his old goofy self that she once feel in love with once.

"Go away" she mumbled slightly into her pillow trying to ignore him as best as she could.

"Not until you wake up" was his answer when she surprised her with a peck on the cheek making her growled a bit hiding her face in the pillow still trying to ignore him.

"LUFFY!!! Leave [Y/N]-swan alone!" the voice of Sanji came screaming into her room before she felt Luffy being dragged off of her.

"Sanji come on" Luffy argued back trying to get back to [Y/N], normally on morning's like this it would be different for them.

Luffy would wake [Y/N] up like this but it was all filled with love, giggles and jokes until [Y/N] would be up and getting dressed for the day on the open seas; now all she felt was just heart break now, still remembering what she saw yesterday with Luffy and Nami.

She just felt emotionless right now like there was nothing really to live for anymore and wondered if it was best to just leave the ship on the island leaving the pirate life for good and leaving her friends behind because she was heart broken but a part of her wanted to stay for her friends and for her friends alone nothing more and nothing less.

"[Y/N], if your hungry I can bring it up to you" Sanji said to me once he returned acting normal now.

It was nice that Sanji didn't act like a wiggling noodle towards me when I was dealing with emotional things like this and acted normal around me.

"No thanks, I should face the music sooner or later" [Y/N] said as she slowly got up from her bed.

"Alright, I'll save you a plate" Sanji said before leaving her room closing the door behind him.

[Y/N] looked into the mirror in her bathroom staring at herself in the mirror, her eyes still filled with sleep, her [H/L] [H/C] hair all over the place; the longer she looked at herself the more her thoughts consumed her brain. What did she do wrong? What was wrong with her? Was she not pretty anymore? Was she boring? Many thoughts were spinning in her mind as she starred at herself in the mirror for the longest time until she brushed her hair and brushed her teeth before getting dressed for the day.

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