Luffy x Reader [3] [Requested]

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Returning to the island was a bit stressful to say the less, nothing but bitching and complaining on [Y/N]'s part of the whole trip it was just a living nightmare once more; but they never told her why they were going back to the island, Nami made up the idea that they forgot something with maps that she need and all that she got from [Y/N] was 'forgetful bitch' from her which made Nami angry.

So here they were docked on the island ready to split up and figure out what the hell is wrong with her and why she is acting like a total bitch to everyone, oh but little did they know the real test was coming their way at this moment.

Back on the Sunny the REAL [Y/N] was finally waking up from her spot in her room, feeling the pain in her head and body from whatever she was given these passed week hurt like hell and she was a little weakened from. But she struggled for a moment to stand up on her shaky legs stumbling a bit but made her way out of her room, she clearly remembered the admiral who jumped her and switched with her; worried for the others she needed to find that basterd soon. Opening her door and onto the deck the warm bright sun greeted her with blinding her for a moment but she pushed on getting off of the Sunny and in search for her crew and her boyfriend.

Searching the town was hard since there was a lot of people out in the market area but her crew would stick out, she tried looking for them in different areas the worry in her heart was getting worse when she couldn't find them; that was until she rammed right into someone who made her fall on the ground,  rubbing her head she slowly opened her eyes which widened in shock and hatred once her [E/C] eyes came to the sight of the basterd who knocked her out.

"YOU!" she shouted not caring if she dragged attention to the both of them.

"[Y/N] where are you?!" the voice of Luffy came to their ears which made the real one worry that this is will end badly.

"Luffy! I need help!" the fake [Y/N] shouted as she got up on her feet and ran away having the real [Y/N] follow her shouting.

Seeing Luffy with the other's the real [Y/N] wanted to take out the damn Admiral who was trying to use whatever screwed up plan for the crew, but she was to late when the fake [Y/N] hid behind Luffy who now faced the real [Y/N] with a serious look like her other friends.

"Why are you bothering her and why do you look like her!?" Zoro was the first to ask ready to draw his sword out for a fight.

"Guys its me! Don't listen to that fake an Admiral knocked me out for several days pretending to be me making you guys try and hate me! Please you guys have to believe me" [Y/N] began to explain wanting to let them know the truth that she knew all to well right now.

"That is not true! You are that damn admiral trying to get between me and my crew! You won't get us behind bars, please Luffy you have to believe me I know I've been mean but I was going through something's that I couldn't talk to you guys about I'm so sorry I made life hell for you all please forgive me" the fake [Y/N] began to speak before getting all teary eyed as she looked at Luffy holding her hand together using puppy dog eyes on him.

There was a slight pause between them all and the silent in the air was making the worry for [Y/N] grow as she watched Luffy stare at the fake one, before she knew it Luff hugged the fake [Y/N].

"Don't worry [Y/N] I forgive you, you know you can talk to us about anything" the words of Luffy made [Y/N]'s world just shattered that he would believe that lie.

Luffy was sometimes dumb but he couldn't be that dumb to fall for something like this, but here it was right in front of her seeing Luffy hug the fake [Y/N] who was faking crying as she hugged him back.

"We don't know who you were but if you want trouble you will find it with us" Sanji was the next to defend this lie which made [Y/N]'s heart break even more with seeing the look of anger and defending on her friends faces.

She dropped her gaze to the floor not wanting to see their faces look like that towards her anymore.

"Fine....just don't bother coming to find me when you learn the truth" was all [Y/N] could say to them before turning away walking away from them still with her gaze to the ground.

She didn't even have to look back at her crew knowing they were walking back to the Sunny now, she knew that Admiral was smirking without the crew knowing what was waiting for them; but watching the Sunny sailing away from the island she couldn't so anything about it but just seeing their faces and seeing they didn't even think twice to listen to the lies and not try and figure it out.

With her heart broken she only had one way of trying to fix this, pulling out a snail from her pocket she started calling someone hearing it ring for a moment before someone answered it.

"Hello?" the voice came out from the other end.

"Hey, Bepo are you guys in the area?" [Y/N] asked Bepo, during the two years  of her training she spent it with the Heart Pirates and they became her second family they all treated her like a sister.

"Yeah we're in the area, did something happen?" Bepo asked getting a bit worried that she might be in trouble.

"I-I tell you guys later" [Y/N] broken down a bit letting some tears fall from her eyes as she watched the Sunny vanish out into the open ocean.

"Okay, we'll be there to pick you up soon" Bepo said hearing the sadness in her voice as she tried to not cry but after what happened she couldn't hold back the tears.

Hanging up [Y/N] broke down again letting the hot tears fall down her cheeks as she couldn't help but feel broken and alone right now that her boyfriend and best friend from her childhood didn't think twice about what happened today and she just couldn't believe any of this right now. She just hopes they will be okay once they figure out that who they trusted was the wrong person to trust.

[A/N: Sorry I've been gone for a while, I'll try and update but they will be very slow because of the holidays]

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