129 - Always and forever

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 129 (4x13)
Word Count: 1853

Rebekah, Cassidy, Kol, Klaus, Freya, and Elijah all listened to the plan that Vincent had created to get rid of the Hollow and Cassidy had a strong feeling that the 'plan' was going to be hard on all of them. Like something big was going to impact their family. It was just a feeling, but... she wasn't so sure.

"The Hollow has been haunting New Orleans for centuries. It's an unending evil. Its appetite for power is insatiable. And that's what attracted it to your little girl." Vincent told, glancing at Cassidy and Klaus.

"You said there was a way to save her." Cassidy spoke with a worried frown.

"There is." Vincent reassured, causing Cassidy to breathe a sigh of relief. "But I'm gonna tell you right now, you are not gonna like my plan." The others all looked at each other, worried by Vincent's words. "Step one, we pull the Hollow out of Hope. Step two, we find someplace else to put it. But with the book gone, I need a place that's both powerful and eternal. And in order to make the transition work, I'm gonna need something that's connected to Hope through blood."

"You need a vampire." Freya realised, her eyes widening once it hit her. "You want to put the Hollow into one of my siblings?"

"One ain't gonna cut it. I'm gonna need four of them." Vincent responded. Freya and Cassidy exchanged a look, the two wives both in disbelief.

"Why four of us?" Elijah chimed in.

"Well, 1,500 years ago, when the Hollow was first killed, they divided her remains. Four bones, four volunteers, four different locations. That's how we're going to beat the Hollow now." Vincent explained.

"Transfer the Hollow's power into four immortal vampires." Cassidy came to the conclusion.

"And just send us on our way." Rebekah added on, slightly shaking her head in disbelief.

"So the evil is drawn, quartered and separated for all time." Kol continued, all of them now realizing what had to be done. Cassidy's breath hitched in her throat. She knew something bad was coming at the end of all of this... she knew that the Hollow wasn't going to leave without making sure there was no happy ending for anyone else.

"And you have to go your separate ways, and you have to stay separate." Vincent paused, sighing, feeling pity for the Mikaelsons. "For all time.

"They can never see each other again? Can never go near each other again?" Cassidy questioned sadly. "But..."

"The good news, you and your kids can visit any of them whenever." Vincent informed Cassidy. "They just can't visit eachother. That is the only way that we're gonna beat the Hollow."

"Well, if it'll save my little girl, then we will make it so." Klaus announced. As much as Cassidy despised the plan, she knew that it was all to save Hope... so, she let it happen, wondering what their lives would be like now, no longer all living under the same roof.


The Hollow (still in Hope's body) was walking alone. Her right hand man, Dominic, appeared with some of the Hollow's followers and started talking to the witches around him. The Hollow approached him.]

"Witches of New Orleans!" Dominic exclaimed. "I ask you to join your one and true savior. Pledge your loyalty, and she will free you from oppression."

People started to escape from Hope/The Hollow and her followers.

"Let's get out of here!"

"Watch that girl. She kills witches."

At first, Hope/The Hollow and Dominic were surprised by the people's reaction; then, Hope/The Hollow got angry and started using magic to destroy street lamps, while Dominic watched her proudly.

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