40 - It's a trap, Cassie

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Book: Kindred Spirits
Chapter 40 (4x02)
Word Count: 2582

Cassidy walked into the church, dressed in black for the memorial of the Council, who had all passed due to a 'gas leak' at the farm not long after Cassidy and her friends had escaped. She spotted Elena laying out memorial pamphlets on the rows of benches in the church and decided to walk up to her, feeling a little awkward.

"Hello, Elena..."

"Oh, hey, Cassidy." Elena greeted, her kindness taking Cassidy by surprise. "Listen, I wanted to thank you. I know that I have been a terrible person to you for the past... eighteen years, but I don't want to be that jealous, cruel person anymore. New species, new me, you know? So, I wanted to thank you for saving me and Stefan, and for willingly giving me your blood. You saved my life."

"We may have been arch enemies, but I would've hated myself if I just let you die, Elena." Cassidy smiled a small smile. "So, friends?"

"Friends." Elena nodded. Cassidy's smile widened.

"Great! Now that that's out of the way, time for step one in friendship: honesty. How are you feeling? A little strung out?"

"I'm fine." Elena shrugged, but Cassidy could see right through her. "It's just my emotions are all over the place. Everything's heightened. I mean, just the sight of all the names of the dead makes me want to cry for a week."

"You didn't have to volunteer." Cassidy reminded, gesturing to the pamphlets in Elena's hand.

"People died. People we've known our whole lives, so yeah, I did." Elena sighed. "But you're not a volunteer. Why are you hear so early? The memorial doesn't start for another hour."

"I just figured she'd be here." Cassidy gestured to a dark-haired girl sat in the front row, tears in her blue eyes as she stared at Pastor Young's picture. Little April Young. "I used to read stories to her to get her to fall asleep, so now I feel... responsible. Like... like I have to hug her. To comfort her. To be a big sister to her, you know...?"

"She needs that." Elena murmured. "Go ahead."

Cassidy nodded and slowly headed towards April.

"Um, hey, Apricot."

At the nickname that only one person has ever called her, April immediately looked up.


"It's me." Cassidy slid into the seat beside April.

"I-I meant to call regularly to... to check in and hear your voice often, but... but I--"

"Your dad shipped you off to boarding school. I never expected a phone call." Cassidy reassured. "Besides, I knew we would meet again. I just... wish it was under better circumstances."

"Yeah." April whispered sadly, wiping her damp eyes. "They want me to speak, Cassie. I guess all the kids who lost somebody can. What am I supposed to say? 'I'm sorry my dad didn't fix the gas line'? But, if I don't say anything then... I mean, what if nobody does? My dad and I didn't always get along or anything but, everybody still deserves to have nice things said about them at their own funeral, you know? I mean, for my mom's funeral, everybody said these really nice things."

"You say what you want to say or you don't say anything at all. And don't worry about your dad, everyone in this town loved him." Cassidy stated softly. Of course, when Pastor Young literally kidnapped her and her friends, Cassidy had never despised anyone more... but before that, he was like a second dad to Cassidy growing up. She was at the Young residence, playing with and sometimes babysitting April (who was only three years younger than Cassidy), more than she was at her own house.

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