Chapter 49

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"Mom still hasn't gone back?"

"No. She said she need to deal with that bitch first." V muttered as he covered Jungkook, who just got bathed with a thick comforter.

"But she's dead already ain't she?" Taehyung asked, sitting down on the bed after that. He used his hand to stroke Jungkook's hair, massaging the boy's scalp, making him smiled in content.

V shrugged with a smirk on his face, "Who knows? Mom is really mad this time. She will make sure that bitch couldn't even rest in peace."

"Right." Taehyung replied. He slipped himself into the cover as he laid down beside Jungkook. His hand automatically landed on Jungkook's waist, pulling the boy closer. He buried his nose in Jungkook's fluffy hair, smiling widely went he was greeted by the usual sweet scent of the boy.

The younger let out a contented sigh, "How I miss these moments. He's finally back to our arms again," he said, staring at his brother.

V just smiled, also laying down beside Jungkook. "He's really ours now, with the mark on his neck." He muttered.

The twins stared at each other, going completely silent after that. They just exchange glances, no words were spoke. But both of them knew that they're really happy now.

Slowly, they fell into dreamland, peacefully, unknowing about what they're going to face in the morning.


Taehyung groaned loudly, as his tightened his grip around someone's waist. He felt sunlight hit his face and it's a thing that he dislikes the most.

Even though he hate to wake up from his sleep, he got no choice but to open his eyes because his sleepiness was long gone. When he opened his eyes, blinking them effortlessly, he almost jumped up in fear when he realised the one he was holding was not Jungkook, but his brother instead.

His first instinct was to push the older male away, making him landed onto the floor. He heard V letting out a loud groan and a loud thud was heard.

Taehyung still hasn't recovered from the mini heart attack while V slowly sit up, placing his hand on the bed as he hold his head, "The fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, glaring at the younger that was still sitting on the bed.

"Why am I hugging you?!" Taehyung asked and he clenched the fabric that covered his chest, acting like a young girl that almost got harassed.

"I didn't want to get hugged by you too, okay?! We always got Jungkook blocking us- Wait..." V looked around before continue, "Where is petal?"

Taehyung mirrored V's action, scanning the whole room, blinking his eyes. Then he again set his gaze on his brother as they stared at each other for a few seconds.


They jumped up, running frantically. "Check the garden, living room and dining room. I'll be in charge of other rooms." V said, earning a nod from the younger.

They hoped they'll find the boy soon.


"Bambi, where are you?" Taehyung yelled loudly, running around with his vampire speed in the garden. He assigned a few guards in searching the boy too but they still couldn't.

He let out an exasperated sigh, feeling really tired but he didn't stop running. He will never stop until he find the boy.

Suddenly he heard a loud shriek, followed by a guard running towards him. "Master Taehyung! M-Master Jungkook..." he panted heavily, pointing at a direction.

Taehyung's eyes lit up upon his words. He doesn't need more explanation from the man. He straight away headed to the direction where he was pointing.

He halted his steps, heart dropped when he saw the sight in front of him.

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