Meeting you (2)

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It's not that I didn't mean it, but I don't want her to take it the right way. She looks to me slightly confused and I wave my hand dismissively.

"No, no. Do it again" she says as we stop on the porch. I look down to our hands and slowly squeeze her hands three times again. I look up at her and she smiles softly at me before doing the same with her hand except she adds one more for 'too'. She unlocks the door, we take off our shoes, then she leads me inside and to the kitchen. "So I've got a few things..." she says walking over to the fridge.

I tap her shoulder and she turns her head quickly with a smile and raised eyebrows. I look down to our hands and she glances before blushing. "Right. You can sit at the island if you like" she says and I nod letting go. I sit and watch as she goes through the fridge and picks things out.

"So there's turkey..." she looks up at me and I shake my head. "Chicken" she proposes and I nod. She puts the other meats back and I look at all the other things on the counter. When she turns around I point to the pasta and the pesto. She nods and puts everything else up.

"Good choice" she winks and I wink back which makes her giggle. As I watch her cooking I feel it going away a little bit. I'm less anxious now, so I get off the stool and take a few cautious steps towards her. I crane my neck a bit and look over at what she's doing.

"You add the pesto last, and also I'm cooking the chicken breast on the stovetop if that's ok" she voices, I nod with a smile. "Does... this, happen a lot?" She asks hesitantly and I shake my head. "I hope you know it doesn't bother me. I promise. Sorta takes the pressure off" she chuckles and I grin.

I point to the food and she glances at it before looking back at me. "Oh, it's almost done" she says and I point at me with a funny face. "You're..." she says confused, and I point back at the food. "Hungry" she tries and I shake my head, "you're... almost ready" she guesses and I nod my head.

"Oh! Ok, that's good" she smiles widely and I giggle. "You have a really pretty laugh" she says softly and I scrunch my nose before looking away. She merely chuckles and finishes up with the food. She brings two plates to the table and waves me over. I sit down across from her and look into her eyes.

We stare at each other for a moment before she interrupts the silence. "Gosh, silly me. Do you want wine?" She asks and I shake my head, "umm... water or juice" she suggests. I hold up two fingers and she nods, "fruit punch, cranberry, or apple" she proposes and I hold up three fingers.

"Alrighty" she says, getting up to retrieve the drinks and sitting back down. We start eating and I close my eyes at how good it tastes. "You like it?" She asks, "It's really good" I reply softly. She smiles and bites her lip, taking a sip of her juice. "Can I ask you some questions? Like more... in-depth" she asks, "sure" I respond.

"I don't really know what say now" she admits after some silence, "that's ok" I tell her. "You could've had wine, I wouldn't have minded" I point out, "oh, it's probably better I don't" she giggled. "What sorts of things do you like to do?" I ask quietly, taking another bite of food after. "Uhh. I enjoy reading and cooking, also... going on walks and music" she lists.

"What's your favorite dish? To eat and to cook" I ask, "well this is actually my favorite... but I enjoy making crème brûlée the most. I know that's technically baking, but still" she chuckles. "Different but similar. It's one of my favorite desserts" I say. "You're really easy to talk to" she mumbles, "thank you" I whisper.

Once we're done with the food, Ally suggests we move to the living room. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" She asks and I shake my head. "We could talk if you want" she suggests, "I'd like that" I reply glancing down before looking back at her. I curled my feet up under me and face her.

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