Who am I without you? |s.m|

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Based on the song Proof by I Am Kloot
(If you play it at the first italics then it hopefully should line up)

I've been with Sally for about 3 months now and we've been taking it pretty slow. She said she doesn't want to make the same mistakes again, which I understand. Even in the rather short time we've known each other I've seen so much progress. I'm so proud of her and I remind her every day.

I met her at the bar of the hotel, I was sipping on a drink when I saw her. At the end of the bar running her fingers around the rim of the short glass. Deep in thought it seemed before she drank it in one gulp like water. Something in me just drew me to her, begging me to go over and I obliged.

I made a little jump off the high stool and slowly approached her. Cautiously taking a seat near her, leaving one in between.

"Hey, could you stand another drink?"

I just blurted it out not knowing what to say as in icebreaker. I'm better when I don't think. She turned to look at me curiously before scanning my appearance with the same gaze. "On me. Y/n" I said putting my hand to my chest and she narrowed her eyes slightly. "Sure" she replied nonchalantly and I smiled softly at her.

I motioned for Liz to come over and refill her drink, she had yet to tell me her name. "And who might be this mysteriously beautiful enigma I have the pleasure of drinking with tonight?" I asked funnily and she cracked a crooked smile. "Sally" she answered, her demeanor retreating to before.

We drank a lot that night and talked about all types of things. Just enjoying each other's presence. She definitely drank more than me but it definitely got her to open up. I loved hearing about her and her life, even if it wasn't all glamorous. She invited me to her room and I agreed for whatever reason. 

I decided to follow my gut completely that night and I have yet to regret it. I'm grateful I met her that night, I feel honored to have met her at all. She's the most wonderful person that has come into my life. Incredibly generous and loving, just an all around sweetheart.

I know how people like to take advantage of that and it's clear the toll it's had on her. I promised her that day, just before she fell asleep, and everyday since. To always cherish her and to only take whatever she's willing to give. And she's given me more than I could've ever asked for.

Swell, we're living in a hotel

Which brings us to now, me on the way up to our shared room in the hotel. A grin on my face as my leg bounces in excitement. Impatiently waiting for the elevator to stop on the right floor. I bolt out as soon as it does and hurry to unlock the door. As soon as I manage to get it open I burst into the room full of energy.

Finding her sitting on the bed with a smile on her face waiting for me. I drop my bags and jump on the bed causing a loud creak to echo in the room. She giggles as I quickly crawl to her and hug her tight. "Hi there, babygirl" she whispers in my ear, "hiii" I reply smiling into her chest.

I'm surprised she's even here, I half-expected to come to an empty room. Only because she's frequently doing things around the hotel. I can just see me jumping up at every knock on the door hoping it's her every time. Usually it's Hazel or even the Countess occasionally.

Someone's ringing my bell in a room without a view

But she's here and gosh am I over the moon about it. "How was your day?" She asks pulling me up a bit so she can look at me. I sit on her lap, facing her, and wrap my arms around her neck. "Dreadful without you" I pout slightly and she pushes my lip back in. "Uh uh. No frowns princess" she says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"How was yours?" I ask her knowingly, "the same" she chuckles. I lean forward and press a gentle kiss on her lips which earns me a little smile. Her hands holding my waist tightly, making me feel secure. I pull away and rest my forehead against hers. "Who am I, without you?" I whisper as I look into her eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing" she replies funnily. I boop her nose and she scrunches it in response. "I'm so much better because of you. Just you being yourself and working towards bettering yourself everyday. It motivates me, and I'm just so proud of you" I say sincerely with a smile on my face.

"Aww baby, you're so sweet. Now stop it" she says rolling over so we're now both on our sides. I reach my hand up to her face and caress her cheek lightly. "I love you" I whisper as I stare into her eyes, deep brown like maple syrup. She stares back at me in silence, her mouth slightly open.

My smile grows a bit wider as I stretch my hand so my thumb goes under her chin. Slowly and softly bringing her mouth to a close, quickly glancing at her lips. I see a few tears come to her eyes and I shake my head. "Don't you dare cry because if you do, I will" I joke and she giggles.

I wipe the few that fell from her closing her eyes and she opens them once more. "I love you too" she whispers back, "oh I know..." I say and she nudges me. "You show me every day, I'm nothing short of certain that you do" I continue. "I love you so much" she says with the biggest and brightest smile I've ever seen.

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