Sleepless in the Spare Room |w.v|

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One night Venable gets drunks and acts very weird with y/n. They end up getting into an argument and Mina feels really bad. So she decides to make it up to y/n the best way she knows how.
We had a few friends over to celebrate Mina's promotion at the company she works for. Her bosses handed it over to her and she now owned the company.

I was so proud of her and I knew she deserved it after all the hard work she put in. It was getting late and only our close friends were still there. I figured they were too drunk to drive so they would stay the night.

I was looking around and I couldn't find Mina anywhere.

I walked into the kitchen and saw her pouring herself another drink. "Babe..." I said quietly as I approached her and put my arms around her waist.

"Yes...?" She slurred, I softly sighed, "maybe you should call it a night?" I suggested sweetly. She turned around and put her finger in my face, "and mayyybeee you should- leave me alone" she slurred with wide eyes.

"You're drunk Mina. I'm glad you had a good time but I don't want you to be super hungover in the morning"
She huffed and downed the drink she had just poured.

She grabbed the bottle, disregarding the glass and walked away towards the living room. I followed behind her and crouched down next to the chair she sat in.

"Babe please..." I whispered so our friends wouldn't here everything. "Stop being such a cunt y/n, you don't tell me what to do! I'm an adult for christ's sake!" She yelled.

I gulped and slowly nodded, secretly waiting for her to take it back.
Suddenly everyone was sober and they all awkwardly said their goodbyes.

I walked them out and apologized for the commotion. They waved it off and said it was ok, but we all knew it wasn't. I walked back into the house, locking the door, and heading straight up the stairs to bed.

I took off my makeup and washed my face, doing my night routine on autopilot. A few minutes later I heard Mina slip into the room, instantly heading for the bathroom.

I heard the toilet flush and then I heard the sink running. Shortly after she exited and I heard her taking her clothes off and slipping into the bed. I pretended to be asleep hoping she wouldn't bother me.

Unfortunately she had other ideas on her mind. "Y/n..." she said quietly, I didn't move, I didn't feel like talking right now. "I know you're not asleep" she continued, I groaned in response hoping she'd drop it.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, I hummed in response, trying to fight back tears, to no avail. Tears silently streamed down my face and I sniffled and wiped my eyes angrily.

"Are you crying?" She whispered, I tried to stop but they just wouldn't. She turned and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I moved them off me and rolled to lay on my back with a sigh. "I love you" I heard her say with hope in her voice.
"I really don't wanna talk right now" I said coldly.

"Are you really that mad?" She asked almost sounding annoyed. I scoffed in disbelief, "you literally yelled at me and called me cunt in front of all our friends" I spat.

"Maybe if you weren't such a cunt all the time I wouldn't have" she mumbled. "You know what? Fuck you!" I yelled and grabbed my favorite pillow.

"Y/n wait! Please? I'm sorry" she said grabbing my arm.

"I don't want to hear it Wilhemina, I'm sleeping in the guest room" I said. I ignored her pleas and slammed the door shut making my way to the guest room.

I closed the door and flipped face first onto the bed with a grunt. I hate arguing with her but she was such a bitch tonight. I hated sleeping alone.

I pulled my favorite pillow up to my face and inhaled. It was my favorite because it always smelled like her.

She specifically washed this pillowcase with her clothes and spritzed her favorite perfume on it for me.

I sighed thinking of how sweet she could be, but rolled my eyes at her behavior tonight. A few hours passed and I still lay staring at the ceiling, not being able to fall asleep.

I turned on my side and looked towards the window, closing my eyes at the light. I heard the door creak open slowly and then shut just as quickly.

The bed dipped behind me and I tensed up feeling her breath on my neck.

"Baby?" She whispered shakily, I turned on my other side to look at her. The moonlight cast a soft glow on her face and made her tears glisten like the sea.

I wiped them softly and looked into her eyes. "I can't sleep without you" she whispered, fresh tears forming in her eyes.

"Me either" I replied, "I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry or to make you angry. I was just stupid and drunk and seeing you storm out the room made me stone cold sober" she rambled.

I nodded slowly, "how bad did I fuck up? Really bad?" She asked softly. I shook my head, "no, it's ok cause you apologized. But don't ever do that again, you really hurt my feelings" I whispered.

"I'm sorry baby, I promise I'll never do that again" she said softly. "I don't ever want to sleep without you, or not be able to touch and kiss you" she said smiling sadly.

"Come here you teddy bear" I said softly, she cuddled up into me.

"You're such a softie" I giggled, "am not" she tried to deny. I kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair, she hummed contently as she nuzzle her head in my chest.

"See, softie" I giggled again, "only for you" she mumbled. "Well there's nothing wrong with that baby" I replied softly.

I got the title from a movie called 'sleepless in Seattle' it's pretty good if you need a movie to watch and I hope you liked the story leave a comment if you want to see anything specific or you can message me if that's easier :)

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