Just get it over with |b.d.h|

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To say my life wasn't exciting would be an understatement. My life is complete shit in my opinion but it looks really great on the outside. Being Billie Dean's girlfriend, smiling for pictures, shaking hands and making small talk at events. It seems perfect, right?

Well for one, I have anxiety so those events... not fucking fun. On top of that Billie and I aren't even dating. In fact we can't stand each other in all honesty. To keep it simple it's all a publicity stunt which isn't uncommon. When they proposed the idea to me I wasn't surprised, I knew it happened. Just never thought it'd happen to me.

But here I am, 2 years into a relationship with someone I can barely tolerate. If I'm truly honest I actually quite like Billie. It's just that she's insufferable most of the time. Insisting on repeating to me daily that she never wanted this, like a mantra. As if I've forgotten how our first meeting to sign the contracts went.

She didn't speak to me or look at me at all which was already a red flag. When she finally did look up as we were about to leave she glanced me over and frowned. As if my appearance and aura wasn't enough for her. Anyone else, and I would've went off but it's Billie. My 'girlfriend' so I had to keep my trap shut and deal with it.

Today we're supposed to be going out for lunch but she cancelled again. Instead of taking her shit yet another time I'm on my way to her house to confront her. Is it a totally stupid idea? Yes. Am I going to back down? Absolutely the fuck not. She deserves at least a piece of my mind for all the shit she's pulled thus far.

I knocked harshly on her door and don't stop until I hear footsteps. "Hail Mary what is it?" She ask annoyed as she wraps her robe tighter with one hand and shields her eyes from the sun with the other. It's very hard to take her seriously when she looks so adorable. Her hair still messy from bed, blonde locks glowing in the sun.

"Let me in" I say stepping closer and she looks me up and down just like that first day. I choose to ignore it and push past her into the house. "Well come on in I guess" she mumbles closing the door and locking it before turning around. "What's so important that you had to wake me out my sleep?" She asks annoyed as she walks over to the kitchen for coffee I presume.

"Listen. I understand you don't want to do this. Neither do I. However we are legally bonded to make this work, not only that but both of our careers are on the line here. You don't care for me and you've made that abundantly clear, so there's no confusion. I just need you to take this seriously, or just 'break up' with me and get it over with" I say taking a deep breath after.

It takes her a moment to even turn around let alone respond. It's silent and she seems to ponder on what her response will be. I've never seen her like this before. So quiet. Thoughtful even, I must've taken her aback being so straightforward. This isn't like Billie but it isn't like me either.

"So what are you saying?" Is the first thing she says after my spiel. "I'm saying you need to get it together and figure yourself out" I reply not missing a beat. Again it goes quiet and she turns around to fix her coffee that's finished brewing. I sigh and wait patiently for her to get her thoughts in order. I find myself being gracious towards her even though she's been anything but to me.

"Don't ignore me" I speak up once I see her calmly sipping on her coffee. "I'm not ignoring you, I'm thinking you imbecile" she spats. "See this is what I mean. The unnecessary name-calling, the constant insults on my appearance or way of speaking. Why can't we just be adults about this? It fucking sucks but that doesn't mean you get to throw a tantrum" I explain getting progressively frustrated.

"I don't know the other people you deal with but I'm not them, Billie. You don't get to disrespect me and think I'm just gonna let you. You know what... this is pointless" I sigh throwing my hands in the air. "It's always in one ear and out the other with you" I say pulling at my hair. "We've had this conversation so many times. When are you just going to drop it?" She asks annoyed making me scoff.

"Maybe I'll drop it when you change. MAYBE I'll drop it when you stop acting like a fucking child and just talk to me! God you're insufferable" I yell, unknowingly pulling at my hair even harder. Anything to get the frustration out so I don't actually explode on her. Before I realize it she's right in front of me pulling my arms down so I let go.

"Stop. You're hurting yourself" she says softly as she places my hands at my side. I stare at her in disbelief. "Oh now you care? You're right. You do that enough for the both of us, don't you?" I ask staring directly into her eyes and she's silent. "Fuck you Billie Dean" I spat before releasing myself from her grip and walking out the door.

I drive off quickly but end up stopping in a random parking lot. I stare out the window for a while before just sobbing. I know it's fake but it feels real, I feel like my heart had been broken. Not to mention I hate getting upset and yelling... it's not like me. I have no clue what I'm going to do about this. First things first, tequila. Then figure shit out.

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