Meeting you (1) |a.m.r|

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Disclaimer: y/n is nonverbal for part of the story

I've been a fan of Ally Mayfair-Richards for a long time. Even when she had her growing restaurant. I just always admired her for everything she's capable of. Then she ran for senator so, without hesitation, I voted for her. I've seen the type of woman Ally is, they are very rare.

She's always so kind and considerate to everyone she comes across. I've personally never had the chance to meet her. Mainly just seeing her in passing or from afar. I also heard around that she was running this organization of sorts. Much like s.c.u.m but presumably less violent.

Regardless, it just fueled my love for her and all that she is and does. I heard she was having a press conference and I really wanted to go. However, I got anxiety last minute as I was picking outfits. So I had to calm myself down which took longer than anticipated. By the time I looked up I realized I'd almost missed it.

I scrambled my things together and went as fast as I could possibly walk to the building. There were no cameras outside, no people, nothing. Which made it obvious to me that I had missed it and she was long gone. I frowned and stood there for a moment, really just thinking about how it could've went.

Then I saw her, walking out the building and looking around. She was no longer in a suit, she had on jeans and a cute t-shirt. She was still in her heels though which I think is really hot. She started walking towards me and I didn't know what to do so I just watched her.

She stopped in front of me and smiled widely. "Hi" she says softly, "Hi" I reply with an involuntary squeak in my voice. "You umm... I think you're amazing" I voice and she smiled warmly as she giggled a bit. "What's your name?" She asks, "y/n" I answered and she nodded.

"Seriously, I really think you're the most incredible woman I've ever seen. You're just capable of so much and you're so nice. Not to mention everything I heard, which now I'm thinking might not be true, but it was all good. Sort of. I mean just everything you had to overcome and you're such a badass" I ramble.

My words seemed to touch her though which made me happy. Without question, she pulls me in her arms by my shoulders and hugs me. I wrap mine around her waist and turn so my head presses on her chest lightly. I hug her tightly and feel the beginnings of the one thing I'm always trying to avoid.

Well, two. I felt tears coming to my eyes, and then the unavoidable feeling of vocal paralysis. I felt her loosen her grip but I just kept my hold on her as I tried to collect myself. "Awww sweetheart" she whispers in my ear as she rubs my back. I assume she felt my tears on her shirt as she starts stroking my hair.

Softly attempting to pull my head back so she could look at me, but I wouldn't let her. She smacks her tongue in a kind of caring way and continues to hold me. I pulled back abruptly once I was sure I wasn't going to cry anymore. I looked down simply trying to come up with words.

She reaches for me and lifts my head, wiping my tears with her thumbs. "What's wrong, sweet girl?" She asks in a voice softer than anything I've ever known. I don't reply, not because I don't want to, I really just can't. "You don't wanna talk to me anymore?" She asks playfully and I'm not sure how to respond, because of course I do.

I'm just not sure if I should shake my head yes or no. If I go for a nod she might think I'm agreeing with her question. If I shake my head she could still think I'm agreeing. "Do you want to talk to me still?" She rephrases, realizing my dilemma I think. I nod my head yes and she nods back.

"Can I take your hand?" She asks and I nod so she stands straight up. I stare at her hands and think of question I'd assume to be dumb in a different situation. I look back up at her and hold both my hands with the sides facing her. I lift one higher and put it back level, doing the same with the other.

She stares at me for a second before she sighs having an 'ah-ha' moment. "Am I right-handed or left-handed?" She translates and I nod. "Right" she says reaches her hand towards me, waiting for me to take it. I press our palms together but don't move to hold hers or intertwine our fingers. I'm not sure if the latter would make her uncomfortable.

She looks to me and I look back at her, nodding to her. "You want me to do it?" She asks and I nod, she slowly intertwines our fingers and smiles at me. I smile too and look away as we start walking down the street. It's silent for a bit and I'm trying my hardest to say something.

The harder I try, the more the words seem to escape me. "So what brings you here? Me" she jokes and I nod while looking at her. "Really?" She asks and I nod more enthusiastically. "Have you been to see any big sights in the area?" She asks and I squint my eyes in confusion but shake my head slowly.

"Ahh you're from around here" she says, questioningly though. I nod and she furrows her eyebrows, "how have I never seen you before?" She asks mostly to herself. I shrug and produce a small smile. "Would you like to get lunch with me?" She asks, I hesitate for a moment as I don't think being around people will help me.

"We could go to my place" she adds and I nod while squeezing her hand. She chuckles and squeezes back before turning onto a different street. I tap her shoulder and she looks at me with raised eyebrows. I point to her and do a walking motion with my hands. "Did I walk?" She voices, and I nod relieved at how easily she's getting this.

I always make it super simple but no one seems to get it. "I had my driver bring me but the walk isn't too far. I wanted to spend some extra time with you... and also my driver isn't really a people person. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable" she explains and I smile.

"So... do you have any hobbies? Besides stalking me" she jokes and I wave my hand in a 'so-so' motion. She chuckles and shakes her head which causes me to smile wider. "Reading" she states and I give a thumbs up, "writing" thumbs up. "Music" thumbs up and a nod of my head.

"Ahh you really like music, huh?" She questions and I nod happily. "Here we are" she announces and I look up to see a really pretty house. I unintentionally squeeze her hand three times. It's not that I didn't mean it, but I don't want her to take it the right way. She looks to me slightly confused and I wave my hand dismissively.

S.P. One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora