A Love like Ours Pt.2

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Billie's pov

I can see she's a little lost in thought and I wait a moment before speaking. "Ellie" I say sternly but softly to grab her attention and she seems to click back into reality."Sorry" she mumbles, "stop apologising" I say and she nods. "Whatcha thinkin?" I ask with a soft smile and she just looks at me. "I don't think I want to " she says and I nod, not really sure where to go from there. I was being honest when I told her to let me know if she was ok, I'd just never experienced anything like this before. So I slowly climbed off her, not wanting to make her think I was trying to get away from her.

"Can I touch you?" I ask, reaching out my hand, I figured that's a good place to start. "Yeah" she replied quietly and I wrapped my arm around her waist but she flinched. "Are you sure this is ok?" I ask preparing to remove my hand, "promise" she says shakily but puts her hand on top of mine which let me know she means it. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to upset her. "I'm a therapist" she says simply and I'm not really sure what it means. I mean obviously I know what she does for work but I'm not really sure how it relates. I think she may have senses my confusion due to my silence.

Ellie's pov

"I'm a therapist. Yet I'm sitting here not knowing what to do, I'm supposed to know what to do. I tell my patients every day to love themselves and be proud of who they are. And look at me..." I think out loud staring at the ceiling. "Sometimes the hardest advice to take our own" she replies thoughtfully. I know she's right, but I still feel stupid. "Don't feel stupid, or like you're just faking it. I'm sure you've heard of imposter syndrome; it gets the best of all of us" she says as if she can read my mind. I turn to face her and smile lightly; she really is the best woman I've ever met. And I literally just met her.

"You're kinda wise" I giggle, "so I've heard" she says smugly, and I laugh. "There's that beautiful smile" she whispers, and I bite my lip trying to contain my grin. "Are you mad? Be honest" I inquire nervously and she shakes her head. "I don't think it's possible to be mad at someone who's so adorable" she says smiling softly. I roll my eyes playfully, she's got to be joking. "I'm serious. I saw you in the supermarket and I couldn't take my eyes off you. I was nervous, which, when you get to know me you'll see is rare. I knew I had to get to know you, so I asked for your number. I mean, I kinda knew you would say yes even thought I'd have to get you out your shell. You were so shy, it was really cute" she says softly biting her lip.

"What's your last name?" I ask randomly, trying to change the subject off of me. "Howard" she says simply, "favourite color" I ask to keep her talking about herself. "Pink. Blush pink" she says, I think she might be catching on, but I keep going. "Celebrity crush" I prompt her, and she thinks about it for a moment. "I can't choose" she says chuckling, "top 3" I say jokingly. "That's not nearly enough" she says cheekily, "you've got the hots for a lot of them" I say thinking. "Fine. Top 5" I say, "it's still hard but let me see..." she says thinking.

"In no particular order, of course. Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Helena Bonham Carter, Vera Farmiga, and... Linda Cardellini" she says. I think about it for a moment, picturing each of them. "Good choices. So you've got a thing for actresses, huh?" I say jokingly. "I guess so" she says as if she's just come to the conclusion. "But enough about me, what about you?" she asks, switching the topic of discussion back to me. "What about me?" I ask innocently, "last name" she prompts. "Staple" I reply, "celebrity crushes" she says with a grin, "same as you except Jennifer Aniston too. But James McAvoy is kinda cute" I say smiling.

"Interesting. Sexuality?" she asks, "lesbian" I say simply. "James McAvoy?" she asks skeptically, "I said cute. As in... nice to look at. Just because someone is attractive doesn't mean I'm attracted to them" I say shrugging. "Fair enough" she responds, "favourite color?" I think about it before answering because there's so many options. "Apple green" I say hesitantly, there's really just too many to choose from. "Favorite person" she says with what looks like a twinkle in her eyes. "As in...?" I ask curiously, "as in... the one person you could spend hours with and not get tired" she clarifies. I bite my lip while thinking intensely but I can't come up with anything.

Billie's pov

She seems like a loner type so I knew this would be hard for her to answer. Truly I just wanted a moment to admire her without her noticing. Her thinking face is also super cute, and I wanted to see it again. "No one I can think of" she says but I don't entirely believe her for some reason. So, I decide to push her a little, "there's gotta be someone" I prod. "Nope" she says still looking towards the ceiling, hmmm. "Who's your person?" she asks turning towards me, you, I think. Which is crazy because I just met her, but I feel so attracted to her. "You" I say not shying away from my thoughts no matter how much I want to.

Her eyes widen a bit before she relaxes again and gives me a skeptical look. "You just met me" she says flatly, "I know" I say not elaborating like I know she wants me to. "Why?" she asks after a moment of silence. "I don't think you really want to hear my reasons" I say teasing her, I can already tell how uncomfortable with my compliments she is. "Tell me" she demands in a soft tone, such a bottom. "Your eyes drew me in first... they're so warm and full of compassion. Then your lips, pink and plump... they looked so soft. They are soft by the way. Your hair just pops out and makes you... glow, in a way. Your laugh is a sound I know I'll never get tired of, and your smile is a sight I'll always want to see. The way you look when you're thinking, or how your nose scrunches up when you don't believe something" I say softly.

She un-scrunches her nose at the sound of my spoken observation. I chuckle and stare at her for a moment before continuing. "Then there's the way your clothes hug your perfect figure. How you're shy yet assertive when need be, and they way you walk. It's like you command the attention of every presence in the room. Such authority and you don't even know it" I say shaking my head lightly. I can tell she's getting slightly uncomfortable with my little ramble so I decide to come to an end. "So yeah, I just met you. And this is crazy... but here's my number. So call me maybe?" I joke and she rolls her eyes while giggling. "You're insane" she says jokingly and I shrug my shoulders. "Wouldn't be the first time I heard that, maybe you could help me" I say smugly and she hits my arm.

Ellie's pov

I can't believe she actually thinks all those things about me or observed me like that. I thought I was the only one who observed her so intently. It's nice and refreshing to know she cares that much. "So waht do you do for work, Ms.Howard?" I ask with a teasing lilt to my voice. "I'm a medium" she sighs and I raise my eyebrows. "Sounds interesting. What kind of spirits have you seen... or talked to?" I ask with a great deal of interest. She seems to perk up a bit like she didn't exepect me to belive her. I know it's seen as a hoax profession but just like people say therapy doesn't help, it can be real.

"All kinds. Some from places I've never even heard of. That's the amazing thing about it, is that I get to meet all kids of people. Because they are still people even thought they've passes on. So I get to experience all different ages, races, ethnicities, and such. From all different time periods too so it's a pretty cool job. Doesn't really feel like I'm working most of the time" she says happily. I can easily see myself spending the rest of my life with her. "What?" she asks since I was just staring, I put my hands on her cheeks and she looks at me with a shocked expression. "You are the most captivating, gorgeous woman I've ever met" I say looking into her eyes. She blushes and I lean in closer to crash our lips together.

I never thought I could experience a love like this, especially this fast. All I'm sure of is that I feel happy and safe in the arms of a woman I hope to marry someday.

*End of Flashback*

"Meeting her and letting her love me is one of my proudest achievements" Ellie says to finish her toast at Bille and hers 10-year anniversary party. "Being able to show you how special you are is the highest honor" Billie whispers in her ear. Ellie kisses her and everyone starts cheering but the only thing she can focus on is her hand on Billie's chest as she feels their heart beats sync. She pulls away and looks into Billie's eyes feeling complete.

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