Sweet Memories |d.s|

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As I slowly regained consciousness I could feel the warmth on my skin. Diane's slim body pressed against mine, the sunlight seeping through the curtains. I could hear her soft breaths, feel them spread against my face. My eyes fluttered open to be met with hers full of love. "Good morning, my angel" she whispers giving me a peck on the forehead. "Mmm morning" I mumble as I muzzle myself into the crook of her neck. She hugs me tightly before gently pulling away to caress my cheek.

"You are so beautiful" she says quietly studying my face. "I just woke up" I giggle, stifling a yawn trying to escape my throat. "Exactly. I love you like this... just a little disoriented. Like a little deer in the headlights" she chuckles, "stop it" I say with soft smile. "I love you more than you and I, or anyone, could ever comprehend" she whispers inching closer to me. Her soft lips connecting with mine in a gentle yet passion filled kiss. "You really are the light of my life" she states, "and you're mine, my love" I reply.

"Tell me again how I got so lucky" she says questioningly. "Well, if I remember correctly, I had to save you" I giggle, "my knight in shining armor" she says putting her hand to her forehead dramatically. "I'm serious! I was in the park, on a bench, minding my own business. When suddenly I heard a crash so I looked up to see an angel had fallen..." I stop trying to hold in my laugh. "... off her gracious steed, the vibrant green machine" I giggle. "Gosh I loved that bike" she says grinning. "So I obviously ran over to see if you were ok and luckily you were, then you made some corny joke-" "it was not corny!" she exclaims, nudging me.

"Babe it was like one step from a dad joke" I recall, "but you still laughed... I knew from that moment that I wanted to be the only one to make you smile like that" she says lovingly. "oh whatever" I roll my eyes playfully "then you, quite nervously might I add, asked me if I'd like to get coffee with you as an apology" I giggle. "Gosh I was a nervous wreck" she chuckles, "was?" I joke and she just rolls her eyes telling me to continue. "Anyways, I vividly remember declining your offer because stranger danger and I knew I'd fall for you even if you turned out to be a kidnapper or something. Then you said..." I look at her because it's her favorite part.

"It's the least I can do, princess" we said in unison before being enveloped in a fit of giggles. "I remember thinking, well someone has certainly found their confidence" I say. "You wanna know what I was thinking? How much I wanted to get to know you, and also how addicting your taste would be. Just so we're clear, I wasn't wrong" she smirks and I gasp dramatically before we both laugh. "I'm so happy I met you, I would honestly take the pain of falling every inch of those 2 feet to the ground if I knew it'd lead to this" she smiles softly. "Oh what a saint we've got on our hands. I can't believe you would risk that terrible fall again just to meet me you little simp" I giggle.

"First of all it may not have been far but I actually hit the ground very hard, madam. Secondly, what the hell is a simp?" she asks confused making me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. "D-don't w-orry about it" I say still trying to calm myself, "I'm happy I met you too, there's no place I'd rather be" I say looking up at her and smiling softly. "I love you, baby" she whispers, "I love you too" I reply placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She gets up and starts getting out of bed making me whine, "where are you going?" I ask her. "To look up the word 'simp' since you won't tell me what it means" she says determined and I just let her go as I giggle to myself.

*two minutes later*

"Oh fuck you, y/n" she yells from her office making me laugh so loud it echoes off the walls. "I love you too, my little simp" I yell back.

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