Talk to me |a.m.r|

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Today has been so overwhelming and I'm so ready to lay down. Work was so stressful and I already don't really like dealing with people. I unlock the door and close it quietly behind me before locking it. I set my purse and keys down on the table and kick off my heels next to the door.

After that I just put my head down and trudge up the stairs. Upon opening the door I see my gorgeous girlfriend, Ally, reading a book. "Hi baby" she says happily, discarding the book and standing up to greet me. I give her a weak smile and wait for her to get closer.

She pulls me in her arms and I wrap mine tightly around her. "Hard day?" She asks, I just nod softly and she kissed my head making me smile softly. "Movies?" She asks, I shake my head and pout a little. "Cuddles?" She asks with a fake pout and I nod, a breathy giggle escaping my lips.

She gently guided me over to the dresser and takes off my clothes. Dressing me in an oversized t-shirt and putting my other clothes in the dirty basket. We lay down and she pulls me on top of her, tilting her body so I can see the tv. She puts on carol and pulls me in even tighter.

"What a strange girl you are..." she whispers to me as Carol says it to Therese. "Flung out of space" I whisper back as we do this every time we watch the movie. She smiles widely and leans down to kiss my temple lovingly. We sit in silence as the movie plays until I feel a bit better.

Harge comes on screen in the scene where they're in the lawyers office. Carol is crying saying 'we're not ugly people harge' and I always hate this part. "I hate that man. She might not be ugly, but he's a toad" I say calmly. Ally busts out laughing while I just sit there watching her in awe. I will never get over how beautiful she is and how happy it makes me whenever I make her laugh.

"I know you don't do it on purpose but you're so funny. I don't like it when you have stressful days like this, but I'm always glad when you come out of it. It's like you have perfect timing" she giggles. "I'm just a natural comedian" I shrug and sit up pulling her with me. I sit on her lap and put my head in the crook of her neck.

"I think it's the deadpan delivery" she points out, "oh definitely" I giggle. "I love you, sweetheart" she whispers, "I love you more" I reply.

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